The "squirting" debate

Well I almost can’t believe that this is my first thread, but I feel like sharing just a little TMI.

No, it is not urine. Perhaps just a small amount comes out during the initial squirt, but none after. It is void of color, odor and taste. IMO, and most definitely in my guys opinion, it is quite hot. When it is coming out - it feels like a very pleasurable release, but it’s unlike emptying your bladder. I don’t know what it is like for other women, but there seems to be more liquid that should be possible. Also, I’ve done some research - squirting is not female ejaculation, as some believe.
Until just recently, I too thought that squirting (in porn) was women who had drunk enough liquids to urinate all over the place. Not so, in my case, and from my own experience.

Cecil weighed in on female ejaculation in 2002: What’s in female ejaculate? - The Straight Dope

I say that if it’s consistently void of color, odor and taste then it’s probably not urine.

Both these anecdotal experiences are refuted by scientific evidence presented previously.

Does that say the study was done on 7 women? Can that be right?

Now I know why you ride scooters.

Agreement. Small amounts of secretions? Okay, that’s cool. But a half a cup of it? There aren’t any organs down there that can produce that much fluid! Where’s it coming from? A Stargate of some kind?

That there might be some unknown gland that’s a millimeter or two in size…sure. That could be. That there might be some unknown gland that’s five centimeters in diameter? Anatomists would have known about it for centuries!

The science thus far does not support the fluid coming from anywhere other than the bladder.


And by the way, even if it is urine it wouldn’t bother me in the least; in fact I … might actually enjoy it, but have never been exposed to the experience, alas.

Sure, what’s wrong with a small number of case studies?

Take 7 women who state that they squirt, study them, find evidence that in all 7 cases, the fluid they squirt when studied comes from the bladder. That’s useful info.

There is literally nothing else it could be other than urine. There is no other organ that would gush that much fluid that quickly. Sorry scooter, that’s the facts. Also, urine can be odorless and colorless

Not that I don’t believe you, as the science seems to support it, but urine isn’t always odorless and colorless as “squirting” seems to be.

If it’s not urine and it isn’t female ejaculation, then what are you saying it is?

Squirting is also not odorless and colorless for every squirter or every episode of squirting, as per most women who report squirting (<10% of women report having experienced squirting.)

For small values of “info.” You cite 10% of women–that’s several hundred million. Seven is not a representative sample.

I hate it when people make claims that make something seem far more well researched than something is. This is at best a preliminary study, and those wind up being wrong quite often.

But it’s very useful information that in a sample of 7 women who state that they squirt, all are found to have the fluid come from the bladder.

Thus far, no other source of the fluid has been consistently, reliably, repeatably identified.

I can’t come up with another plausible source, despite having done obstetrics for 7 years and gyn for 20 years. Nor have medical scientists who specialize in Gyn research and know tons more than I ever did. The simplest hypothesis supported by a large body of evidence (and this issue has been looked at for a few decades now) is that it comes from the bladder.

What’s your working hypothesis?

The theory is the sexual stimulation causes a rapid filling then eliminating of the bladder. This would be a very diluted and, uh, fresh urine stream which wouldn’t be stinky or super concentrated since it hasn’t sat in the bladder for hours.

P.s. I cannot believe I’d ever be discussing this, lol

Glad to read that there are no snarky comments so far. I was hoping that this wouldn’t generate that kind of response.

I will tell you that I am perplexed about it – this is pretty new to me. Rational thinking makes me want to agree with studies and people who say it is nothing but urine. How could we not know about a gland that could potentially hold enough fluid to fill a cup, or much more? I get it. That’s why, I suppose, research has been done. And I do realize that when one is well hydrated, urine can be odorless and colorless. With that said, I don’t feel any pleasure when I urinate. Sure, maybe a little when my bladder is about to burst and I finally make it to a bathroom. I also know from a lifetime of urinating exactly what it feels like to empty my bladder. The emptying or release, is not at all the same. I have done this with an empty bladder, by the way. I am trying to understand this as much as anyone else who has ever wondered about it, because it’s my body that’s excreting something that I am 99% sure is not urine! This is the closest I have come to an answer. Could it be that via stimulation of the g-spot a fluid begins to build up (yes, maybe in the bladder) that then gets excreted voluntarily? As I am contracting muscles to expel it, I can feel this build up sensation… it gets pretty intense. The longer I hold off the more fluid that comes out. Of what? I’m not totally sure. It is not like any other sensation that I have ever felt, and it is not an orgasm. This is the thing - if I wanted to pee during sex, I could. Any of us could. I wish I had better words to explain it. I don’t. The excretion of this fluid actually takes real effort. I can’t say it’s not fun, though. Anyway, I won’t dispute that there could be traces of urine in this fluid, but I will contest that if I experimented more with it, my 1% doubt, might disappear. The sensation is just too different to be compared to urinating. I don’t think I know my body as well as I thought I did. If I was convinced that it’s just 100% urine, I would have started a thread titled, “The Squirting Debate - it’s just urine!”

Maybe that theory is on to something. That’s exactly what I just asked about in my response. That would not, however, explain the very different sensation of release that does not compare to the sensation of urinating. Of course when we urinate we are not stimulating our g-spot at the same time. Like you, I can’t believe that I’m discussing this/started a thread about it. I guarantee there are much stranger and interesting topics to discuss.

I, scootergirl, hereby swear, that I have never squirted on my beloved scooter. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have had 2 squirters, both red heads and both late 40’s. I didn’t like it and I could swear it is piss.