Female Hair Growth Products! Help me!

My girlfriend cut her hair short a while ago and she desperately misses her hair that used to be down to her butt. It currently barely touches her shoulder.

We check out a site www.fasterhairgrowth.com but it all looks like a scam to me.

I’m wondering if any of you have tried any similar products and had any good results. I want to get her some stuff that’ll actually work and won’t take me for a ride. While reputable sites have month supplies of stuff she’s taken before and says doesn’t work for as little as $10, this place is offering a month’s supply at $45

It also has a 45 day money back guarauntee, but they also state (if you can find it on the site) that it takes 45 days for longer hair growth to begin.

Any help would be deeply appreciated.

Sorry, my mistake.

The site is http://www.fastergrowinghair.com/

No clue what the other site I mentioned is.