Rebo’s getting overwhelmed so I figured I’d give it a shot. Based on the fact that there are a lot of fans of The Order of the Stick webcomic here I’m going with this topic.
Object of the game: Try to think of the most popular answer, to get the most people matching you.
Scoring - Answers will be worth one point for every other person who gussed the same answer. So if ten people guess the same answer, they all get nine points. If you’re the only person tio guess a particualr answer, you get nothing for it. Note - this is not the same scoring system Rebo uses for her feuds.
The game will end sometime Wednesday evening. It depends if I go to a movie or not.
If possible, try to identify a strip by its number so I can figure out which one you’re guessing.
Good luck!
- Name a member of the Order of the Stick
- Name one of their opponents, past or current
- Name somebody who has assisted the Order
- Name a character who is or has been dead
- Name an inanimate object that has been featured in the strip
- Name a strip that was particularly funny (identified by strip number preferably)
- Name a strip that was emotionally moving
- Name a strip that was notable for its art
- Name a strip that had a surprise in it
- To break things up, name an Erfworld character