Feud of the Stick [Game Over]

Rebo’s getting overwhelmed so I figured I’d give it a shot. Based on the fact that there are a lot of fans of The Order of the Stick webcomic here I’m going with this topic.



  2. Object of the game: Try to think of the most popular answer, to get the most people matching you.

  3. Scoring - Answers will be worth one point for every other person who gussed the same answer. So if ten people guess the same answer, they all get nine points. If you’re the only person tio guess a particualr answer, you get nothing for it. Note - this is not the same scoring system Rebo uses for her feuds.

  4. The game will end sometime Wednesday evening. It depends if I go to a movie or not.

  5. If possible, try to identify a strip by its number so I can figure out which one you’re guessing.

Good luck!

  1. Name a member of the Order of the Stick
  2. Name one of their opponents, past or current
  3. Name somebody who has assisted the Order
  4. Name a character who is or has been dead
  5. Name an inanimate object that has been featured in the strip
  6. Name a strip that was particularly funny (identified by strip number preferably)
  7. Name a strip that was emotionally moving
  8. Name a strip that was notable for its art
  9. Name a strip that had a surprise in it
  10. To break things up, name an Erfworld character
  1. Roy
  2. Xykon
  3. Celia
  4. Roy
  5. Roy’s sword
  6. 7 (“You have selected Colon Tumor.”)
  7. 496 (“It’s good to see you, little brother.”)
  8. 443 (Roy fall down)
  9. 223 (“Yer MARRIED?!?”)
  10. Lord Hamster

#1: Vaarsuvius
#2: The Linear Guild
#3: Hinjo
#4: Miko Miyazaki
#5: Xykon’s Phylactory
#6: #141 “You…you KNOW something!”
#7: #654 “O-CHUL!”
#8: #447 A whole lot of different paladins
#9: #406
#10: I can’t

  1. Roy
  2. Xykon
  3. Roy’s dad
  4. Miko
  5. Roy’s sword
  6. Haley’s answer to the test of the mind.
  7. Death of Miko
  8. I am the sexy shoeless god of war
  9. The recent strip, with the raven familiar popping into existence in the last panel.
  10. Parson

Sorry for the lack of strip numbers, feel free to throw my entry out if you want.

  1. Roy
  2. Xykon
  3. O-Chul
  4. Roy
  5. Banjo!
  6. “Heh…Roy has boobies.”
  7. “Wanna play blocks with me?”
  8. “To Azure City!”
  9. Nale stabs Elan (for the first time)
  10. Parson
  1. V
  2. Xykon
  3. Shojo
  4. Roy
  5. Roy’s sword
  6. Who’s On the Throne? 226
  7. “Not for everyone” 464
  8. “If they pull a knife” 639
  9. “Land of the Rising” 449
  10. Stanley

I usually play in the feuds, but I have no earthly clue what is needed in this feud.

I thought the feud was going to be about trees.

It’s about the webcomic The Order of the Stick.

  1. Name a member of the Order of the Stick
  2. Name one of their opponents, past or current
  3. Name somebody who has assisted the Order
  4. Name a character who is or has been dead
  5. Name an inanimate object that has been featured in the strip
    Greenhilt Family Sword
  6. Name a strip that was particularly funny (identified by strip number preferably)
    136 - the [del]cheese[/del]polearm shop sketch. Extra funny if you recall the old D’nD rulebooks with their lists of weapons (but no descriptions or pictures)
  7. Name a strip that was emotionally moving
    496 - Little Brother
  8. Name a strip that was notable for its art
    439 - Seeing Orange
  9. Name a strip that had a surprise in it
    626 - ‘Say “Disintegrate” one more time, Vaarsuvius. For me.’
  10. To break things up, name an Erfworld character

I thought it was going to be about stuff to hit people with. :smiley:

Since I, too, have not a clue what this is all about, I’ll be on the sidelines with a cooler of beer and some boiled peanuts.

  1. Vaarsuvius
  2. Nale
  3. Hinjo
  4. Roy
  5. Xylon’s phylacetry
  6. The pole-arm store strip that riffed on Mony Python’s Cheese Shop sketch
  7. Elan singing “My Buddy Roy” after Roy died.
  8. Xylon, riding an undead dragon, above a hoard of hobgoblins
  9. The horde of undead paladins guarding the Sapphire gate
  10. Wanda
  1. Belkar
  2. Xykon
  3. Lord Shojo
  4. Roy Greenhilt
  5. Banjo the Clown
  6. #20 (Evan’s Spiked Tentacles of Forced Intrusion.)
  7. #400 (Haley and Elan get it on!
  8. #392 (Elan and Thog come down from the Airship Mechane)
  9. #392 (Nale - The leprechaun costume - not so much)
  10. No idea - Buzz as a wild guess
  1. Name a member of the Order of the Stick Roy
  2. Name one of their opponents, past or current Xykon
  3. Name somebody who has assisted the Order O-Chul
  4. Name a character who is or has been dead Roy
  5. Name an inanimate object that has been featured in the strip Belt of gender changing
  6. Name a strip that was particularly funny (identified by strip number preferably) The Test of the Mind (327)
  7. Name a strip that was emotionally moving **Cages (Steel and Otherwise) (657) **
  8. Name a strip that was notable for its art **No idea, as this is not something I care about or notice but The Philosophy of Chaos (606) as a guess. **
  9. Name a strip that had a surprise in it Good to the Last Drip (626) (where Mama Dragon first appears)
  10. To break things up, name an Erfworld character Parson****

This should read 654

  1. Roy Greenhilt
  2. Xykon
  3. Hinjo
  4. Miko Miyazaki
  5. The Greenhilt sword
  6. #8, The Benefit of a High Bluff Score
  7. #464, Not for Everyone
  8. #483, Broken Stick
  9. #200, The Confrontation
  10. Stanley the Tool
  1. Elan
  2. Nale
  3. Celia
  4. Roy
  5. The Greenhilt Sword
  6. Vaarsuvius using his awsome arcane powers to divine the presence of Haley, Belkar and Roy’s corpse. (#643)
  7. The death of Therkla (#593)
  8. Vaarsuvius entering the soul splice (#635)
  9. Elan is a dashing swordsman? (#386)
  10. Sizemore
  1. Roy
  2. Xykon
  3. Shojo
  4. Roy
  5. Roy’s ancestral sword
  6. 418 - It’s a type of boat
  7. 406 - A moment of truth
  8. 639 - If they pull a knife…
  9. 595 - Trial of the century
  10. Parson
  1. Roy
  2. Xykon
  3. Shojo
  4. Miko Miyazaki
  5. The Greenhilt Sword
  6. First Aid
  7. A Song For The Departed
  8. Wands Are For Suckers
  9. Good To The Last Drip
  10. Parson Gotti

Damn, and I thought the country music feud was out of my ballpark…

  1. Roy
  2. Miko
  3. The blind thief (forgot his name)
  4. The Oracle
  5. Cardboard box
  6. Roy’s crossdressing
  7. The death of Miko
  8. The splicing of Vaarsuvius
  9. Momma black dragon coming for revenge
  10. Stanley