I think it’s great that these have been made available for free online. Just thought that other physics-minded Dopers, and Feynman admirers like me, might be interested.
Very cool!
Thanks for the heads up!
Somebody has to figure out a way to get Ray Romano to play Feynman in a movie.
They sound like they grew up on the same block.
Very cool. We actually used these in my first year physics course in college.
(In addition to Halliday and Resnick, not instead of.)
How out of date is all of this? Is there any point where one would want to stop watching because the information is no longer correct (based on our current knowledge)?
Alan Alda has performed Feynman in the play “QED” in Los Angeles. I don’t think it was performed anywhere else.
Most of it is still valid, I would say. All the stuff about classical mechanics and electromagnetism. All the stuff about statistical physics. All the basic quantum mechanics. That’s all taught in a modern course in physics.
Awesome, thanks for the heads up!
My mistake, the play did go on for a short run on Broadway, as well as a few other places.
Matthew Broderick played him in ‘infinity’ which was a really bad movie about his early life. Feynman is probably my biggest hero and I couldn’t watch this all the way through.
Yay! Thanks for the linkmhendo!