Film Title Sought: Maybe 1930s, US, Divorce and Meet Again

I thought I’d try here before heading to r/movies, since this is home and I don’t want to get up. I am seeking the title of a film.

I last saw the film perhaps 8 years or so ago. As best I recall, which in this one instance is probably reliable:

English language, almost certainly US, probably 1930s.
Man feels he is married to a mousy, plain, uninteresting woman. He has an affair, and the girlfriend wants to marry him, so he gets a divorce.

Fast forward ~10 years, and man is attending a party and meets this gorgeous, intriguing, exotic, sophisticated woman…who turns out to be his ex-wife. Predictable outcome.

Any ideas?

I must say that, as a database person, I am pretty proud of my Google skills, but I got nothing but “the 50 best films about divorce”-type results, which weren’t useful at all.

Let Us Be Gay?

Got it in one!

The TCM synopsis sounded close but maybe not quite right, but the Wikipedia plot summary sounds spot-on. I do believe this is it.

I’m adding to my LetterboxD watchlist now. Thanks, @The_Other_Waldo_Pepper

ETA: apparently not available for streaming; disc only at this time.