Finally, we learn the name of Evil- Lori Drew.

From the “replies” section:

Any reasonable parent? Good Lord.

BTW, in reference to the “dropping the charade” comment? It’s because, 2 weeks ago, Lori posed as a girl named “Kristen” and posted this on the same blog (keep in mind that this is actually a 47-year old writing this):
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Set the record straight

I want to set the record straight about Megan Meier. I’m calling myself Kristen because if i don’t want to give out my real name.

Megan and I were sort of friends. I always saw her at school and sometimes on myspace when her mom would let her on. I need to talk about what she was like because everyone has this picture of this innocent girl who had this horrible thing done to her. That’s sorta true but not totally.

I’m sorry. That is honest-to-Og evil indeed. I bet that thing hasn’t taken responsibility for anything in her entire life and I desperately pray to any entity listening that she pays dearly and forever for what she’s done.

Oh, and entity, if you’re still around, I’d gladly be a vessel. Just in case you need another 1 for the 5,764,326 already in line.

Just a few minutes ago, I saw Ms. Evil Incarnated’s blog linked on another forum. I am as stunned as the posters above are. The only thing that could shock me more than this is if Ms. EI gets elected president of her local PTA.

Cripes, the walls of the Drews’ house must be plastered with crazy!

Is anyone else surprised that no one has created a “LoriDrewHasItComing” blog yet?


I just now remember that Reader’s Digest has a “Cheers and Jeers” section every month. I wonder if they’ll put this “lady” in it for next month.

If you read the Comments section and her apparent replies, it only gets worse.

Quote from this Australian news article:

"The Meiers lived secretly with their knowledge of Drew’s involvement for a year while the FBI investigated the case, but no charges have been laid. A police spokesman says Drew’s behaviour might have been rude and immature but it was not a crime. The internet may be new-era technology, but in the absence of legal action against Lori Drew it has triggered a round of old-style retribution.

Drew’s address and phone number have been widely publicised on websites and blogs drawn to Megan Meier’s tragedy, along with calls for a boycott of the Drew family company. Neighbours have shunned the Drew family, who still live four doors from where Megan took her life. The Meiers have moved out.

Aftab, who is working with Tina Meier on developing coping resources for children, confirmed Tina and Ron Meier have separated. Ron lives in fear that if something happens to the Drews, he will be a prime suspect."

That is just so sad. That Drew bitch killed their child and wrecked their marriage.

Damn this is a terrible horrible story. What a witch. What a heartless witch and she can just die in a huge slow explosion.

But. Do you all really think that she is the writer of that MeganHadItComing blog? I realize it states that it is her. But, could she really have her head up her ass so far to think that 1) naming a blog that would help her in anyway whatsoever 2) that her explanations would convince ANYONE.

I guess it starts off as a terrible story. And, I just have trouble believing that a woman would do something so terrible, and then make it worse by trying to explain it like she is doing. That is probably naive of me, but I really think that site is a hoax and has nothing to do with her. But, if it is really her, she somehow got a million times worse. Which is pretty difficult, since we know for a fact that she tortured a 13 year old for weeks.


I think in the comments to one of the posts it comes out that it really is her… she forgets herself and admits it. Sorry for not providing a link; there’s no way I’m going back to that cesspool of a blog and finding it. That is one sorry confused woman.

Even if the prosecutor decided that there wasn’t enough to file criminal charges, presumably Megan’s family can file a civil suit. Given that, assuming that it’s really her writing the posts, that blog is a really bad idea.

That blog can’t possibly be true.

How does it “come out” that it is really her? I’m very curious about this. To me, it looks like one of the biggest trolls ever.

Aside, of course, from the one who inspired it.

Sceptical about the blog. It seems designed to infuriate and inflame, and I’ll be surprised if it turns out to be genuine.

I realise people are upset and angry, and that Lori Drew is a despicable person, but there’s a child living in her house too. If the angry mob find their actions lead to the Drew’s daughter committing suicide, will they be ashamed of themselves or will they congratulate themselves on a job well done? Or will they do what Lori Drew did and convince themselves that they aren’t to blame for her death?

If it is, woman is seriously, SERIOUSLY fucked in the head. If only one could lock her away in an asylum for the criminally insane.
If it isn’t, well, it wouldn’t surprise me that this is how Drew thinks. Either that, or someone is out to make her look even worse. (Which, quite frankly, she deserves)

Polymer, we do not allow such lengthy quotes from other sources for copyright reasons. Quotation is limited to a short snippet; multiple paragraphs is far too much. If you are concerned that the page will be removed, you can link from another source, but not reproduce the entire blog post here.

You protect your daughter by telling both girls to cut it the hell out, not by joining in.

Because two wrongs make a right? Assuming Megan even was being as nasty as you claim.

How kind of you. Their fucking daughter was dead, and you still harped on her alleged bullying and alleged manipulation? No matter what you claim she did to your daughter, Megan’s death should have put it into perspective for you.

What should they have done? Seriously. And you honestly think a balanced person would have done what you did – kept tabs on petty middle-school squabbles and taken sides?

Tween girls squabble. They’re dramatic. They all are. I can quite easily believe that Megan had emotional outbursts and changed allegiance at a moment’s notice and made snarky remarks and all the rest of it. What I cannot believe is that she was the only girl in that school who acted that way. Lori blames Megan for her own daughter being moody? Her daughter was 13. It would have happened anyway. If this blog entry is the real deal, it’s beyond ridiculous. But it’s not inconsistent with the false, misleading, unsympathetic police and media reports we’ve been given, so it’s probably real.

I can believe it, if only because it fits in with the entire unstable, totally narcisstic, unfeeling persona. Being pissed at Megan’s family for smashing the foosball table, instead of addressing what happened?

Woman’s fucking bonkers.

I read the blog.
I feel sick now.
I think I pity Lori’s daughter most in all of this. Megan is at peace; her parents will need to get through this (if this is something you “get through”–doubt it, but they have each other and memories of Megan). This Sarah or whatever her name is–all she has is pyscho-Lori and either psycho-Dad or enabler Dad. How fucked up will this chick be? Greatly, I fear.

And continuing to speak ill of the dead. She seems to be focusing on “Well, I didn’t want Megan to die!” instead of “It all seems so inconsequential now…I can’t even remember what started it.” If she would just apologize, admit that nothing Megan had ever done could possibly have justified her death, and express some fucking remorse, she could still salvage a life for herself and her daughter. Now they’re doomed. Both of them, as eleanorigby points out.

And as I already said, I cannot believe that Lori’s daughter was entirely innocent of the same kind of behavior Megan is accused of. “Kristen” recounts an incident in which “Megan was being a total basket case” because she didn’t like the way she looked in new clothes. I’m sure Lori’s daughter never did anything like that. :rolleyes: