Finally, we learn the name of Evil- Lori Drew.

I meant to paste this pic from page 1 of this thread. For those of you forced to look at crappy HP PCs, I most humbly apologize.

Ooops, my bad. :o

Well, when the Evil twunt and her stupid husband find that their businesses have tanked and they have to move, I hope kind souls will arrange to inform the neighbors wherever they move. After all, since the bitch doesn’t think she did anything wrong she might try it again if some other child is so misguided as to not want to be friends with her pwecious pwincess.

I sometimes wish we could bring back the stockade.

I think you mean the stocks, a frame where people were publically humiliated for small crimes and social infractions, rather than the stockade, which is basically a wooden fort.

Yeah, that’s the one. I wasn’t sure myself, but stockade is misused enough to trip you up.

Like here:

I was thinking the same thing. But, unless I misunderstood, Mrs. Drew undertook this project for the purpose of teaching Megan a lesson, the same way putting people in stocks was supposed to teach them a lesson. If we did bring back stocks, ducking stools and public stonings, people like Mrs. Drew would be the ones on the committee. That’s probably why that system fell out of favor: petty snobs abusing power.

Wow – thanks for posting the story. It is heartbreaking.

Lori Drew is a sadistic, deceitful, and manipulative woman. I would say she is probably a sociopath.

It only reinforces the fact that the internet, with its anonymity, is a perfect environment for the sickos and dangerous.

This is reminding me (in a weird way) of that mom who tried (was she successful?) to get the head cheerleader killed so that her daughter could make the squad or some such (years ago–made into a TV movie).

What is with this violence to bolster your kid? Supposedly Lori did this to “get back” at Megan for being mean to her daughter. How fucked up is that?
Don’t get me wrong–when kids made fun of my daughter (then 5) for wearing glasses, I wanted very badly to smack them up against a wall and make them hurt (didn’t help that I had been made fun of for wearing glasses at age 5). But of course I didn’t do that. You don’t do these things. Now her life is hell (and rightly so-no sympathy here) and a girl is dead. Whether or not Lori is culpable in the death is beside the point–she deliberately and with malice aforethought hurt and humiliate a child.

Christ, we are an interesting species…

Oh, God. I hadn’t even thought of that, but of course you’re right – there’ll be a tv movie made of this crap. And I strongly suspect that these useless bags of skin are exactly the type of people who’ll enjoy the “fame”.

Damn. I may just have to write to a local representative – it’s okay for them to pass laws against cyberbullying, although too late to help here. But still time enough to pass laws ensuring these pustules don’t get to “tell their side of the story” at Megan’s expense, or worse yet, profit from it! Ugh.

Nitpick: It was the girl’s mom she wanted killed. Wanda Holloway is who you’re thinking of. Her daughter was Shanna, the other girl was Amber Heath, and her mom was Verna. Wanda’s reasoning was that killing Amber would be over the top (really), but Verna was overbearing (not entirely untrue, but look who’s talking) and had gotten Amber unfair advantages in the competition. So with her mom dead, Amber wouldn’t want to be a cheerleader any more, and Shanna would get her spot.

Anyway, it wasn’t successful. Wanda’s connection was her ex-husband’s brother. Why she thought he wouldn’t immediately go to the cops, I don’t know, but he did, and Wanda was arrested the same day she handed over payment.

As much as I would prefer to ban any way of letting the Drews from profiting by selling this story, I’m not sure that it’s possible to word a law in such a way as to be sufficiently general to pass judicial muster, but still sufficiently specific to keep from affecting other cases.

Which means that, IMNSHO, you may have just come up with the ideal reasoning to convince Megan’s parents that they need to sue this waste of oxygen: If they win a wrongful death suit, they’ll be able to specifically include any monies that the Drews might “earn” by selling their story, as a punative measure.

A new level of ridiculousness has been reached. Somehow I don’t care to nitpick over insanity… But I thank you for your accuracy. I just find it amusing.

I hope a MFTV movie is NOT made of this. It is a silly hope, made of standards and ethics and morals, so it doesn’t have a hope in TV world.

The county prosecutor held a press conference today to confirm there would be no charges filed against the Drews in the case.

Just to clarify:

The name of evil is Lori Drew.

The name of Evel is Bobby.

The county prosecuter also says if the case did go to court, there isn’t sufficient evidence to convince a jury that the suicide was the direct result of any action taken by the Lori Drew.

Incredibly, Lori Drew has created a blog. A blog called “Megan Had It Coming”. :confused: At first, people thought it was a hoax. But it’s not. Apparently it really is written by her.

Here is the link:

WTF?? :mad:

From here:

Obviously, when the Drew’s lawyers see this, they will yank it down in horror. Meanwhile, people all across the net are saving copies and posting them everywhere, for posterity. Anyway, this is what Lori Drew posted to her blog this morning:

Monday, December 3, 2007
I’m Lori Drew

It’s time I dropped the charade. Yes, I made this blog. Yes, I’m Lori Drew.

My daughter had nothing to do with this. Everyone needs to leave her alone. None of you can possibly know her involvement, and none of you can possibly know what she’s gone through. She’s just a kid. She doesn’t deserve these brutal verbal attacks. Please stop.

Wow. What a stupendously self-deluded cunt. You can’t fake that level of psychopathy.

Someone should take Lori Drew & her co-conspirators to the Large Hadron Collider and demolish their existence, one atom at a time.

HOLY mutha-effing SHIT! This woman may be the biggest idiot on the planet for so many reasons it is mind-boggling!

“Wah! It’s not fair! Wah! The police don’t want to add all the rationalization and justification and excuse-making bullshit into their report! Wah!”

This woman may be the stupidest cow I have ever witnessed. “Megan Had It Coming”?!?!?! How stupid do you have to be to NOT realize what a bad idea that was?