Finally, we learn the name of Evil- Lori Drew.

I giggled. :smiley:

And yeah, Mrs. Drew should rot in hell.

Local radio news this morning mentioned that the Drews were “moving away – hopefully far away.” Wasn’t able to google up a link to verify, but it sounds like their business has indeed probably been ruined, as well as their homelife, from the mass outrage coming at them.

Yeah, for whatever reason I just can’t get my mind around that aspect.

I can’t imagine initiating a plan to torment the kids of my neighbors/acquaintances. Hell, I’m having a hard time imagining imagining such a thing!
But I have to imagine that if I WERE so inclined, I wouldn’t store my x-mas gifts at those same people’s house! :eek:

As if this can’t get any more outrageous, guess who has been outed as the anonymous poster of the execrable “MeganHadItComing” blogspot site? Sarah Drew, Lori’s daughter.

(Found following Zabali Clawbane’s link)

Assuming Sarah is still a teen ager, I don’t expect her to act like an adult. Her mom, however…

Just explain to him that high school A’s are college C’s.

Seeing how he’s a HS teacher, I imagine that would fly like a wet pancake. :stuck_out_tongue:

What I really wonder is about Lori Drew’s emotional maturity level is. She cannot possibly have a fully developed, adult level of functioning. It would be very interesting to subject her to a battery of psychological tests, because I guarantee they would reveal she is functioning well below the mean.

I’d seen that about Sarah writing it. However, I have no trouble whatsoever believing that the elder Drew actually did it after all and is just using her daughter’s name as a scape goat. :mad: Because the tone just doesn’t come across authentic in the least and her character would certainly be capable of something so slight, I’m sure.

And on preview, what Northern Thalia brought up is an excellent idea.

Weren’t some of the communications that Lori Drew was sending to Meagan as “Josh Evans” via the MySpace profile sexual in nature? I have no idea if that would make any difference; I mean, I guess if the prosecutors couldn’t come up with anything, I guess there isn’t anything usable there. Any thoughts on that?
On preview:
GAK! A blog dedicated to how the girl “had it coming”?? :eek:

My heart bleeds.

…for the people who baked the ‘welcome to the neighborhood’ cake and knocked on their new neighbor’s front door only to see this minger open it. :mad:

Not to bust your outrage bubble, but that’s a page for HP shopping at home. What did you mean to post?

I’d feel bad, but they’ve probably moved before.

Would that not make her suicidal, even if she never even tried to?

Sure. But you said she’d actually attempted suicide, which is not accurate.

I really tend to be a forgive and forget kinda guy, but something about this story just makes me want to cyber-stalk the fuck out of this woman for the rest of both of our lives. In a perfect world, she’ll live to a ripe old age, in fear of where the sudden death she has earned might come from the whole time.

Yes, I got beat up in seventh grade, why do you ask?

To me, the question is not “Should being rejected by someone on MySpace have driven Megan over the edge?” The question is “Was there any good reason for people, one of whom was an adult, to make up a persona on MySpace and set Megan up to be rejected?” If anyone knows of a good reason, I’d like to hear it.

Exactly! It’s cyber bullying, and possibly could be construed as sexual predation of a minor, based on some of the “sexual for a thirteen year old” (ETA: To qoute Lori Drew’s own words in the police report at The Smoking Gun.) messages exchanged. All the adults who participated in, encouraged and instigated the MySpace interactions should recieve criminal punishment, and jail time for some. I hope Karma bites Lori Drew (at the least) HARD!

This is horrible, but I can’t say I’m too surprised. Here’s a story from a friend of mine:

My friend has a son about Megan’s age. (This was a couple years ago, though, so the kids would have been about 10 or 11 at the time.) He has a friend I’ll call Joe. Apparently Joe was friends with another boy, but their friendship ended for whatever reason. So what did the other boy’s mom do? Why, she held an “I Hate Joe” party, of course! Complete with throwing darts at pictures of Joe! Unbelievable.