Well, I am 26 years old, living in Northern Cali, and just now, this morning, managed to finally get my drivers license. I had never had it previously, I didn’t do anything to get my license (or getting of one) delayed at all… I just never had it.
But this morning, after a bout of nerve-induced Nausea, I managed to not only take my drivers test, but managed to score a perfect no errors!!!
So, Tristan is mobile baby… get the hell off the roads!!!
I didn’t get my license until I was twenty-four, and I heard all those same jokes. I scored a 96 out of a 100, but my first two tries were automatic fails (long sad stories).
Well, I was thinking of a drive to Montana to visit a friend, but she looks to be coming here… so my first real drive may be for the NorCAl meets SoCal Dopefest…