"Finding it Heaven" Searching for a song for a funeral, please help if you can

I am searching for a recording of a song. The thing is that I have searched online and can only find this verse in written form. I am almost positive there is a recording out there for it. Here are the words…please, if you have any hints, help or ideas for me attempt at finding this, I would appreciate your reply! My grandma’s funeral is 12/13/2003 and I need it by then

“Imagine stepping onto a shore and finding it’s Heaven.
Imagine taking hold of a hand and finding it’s God’s hand.
Imagine breathing new air and finding it’s celestial.
Imagine feeling invigorated and finding its immortality.
Imagine passing from storms & tempest to an unknown calm.
Imagine waking up and finding it’s home.”

The verse in quotes is what I am mainly looking for in song version. Thanks!!

?? Not entirely sure that this last part goes with the above quoted verse:

I am now in Heaven
I am now in Heaven the gates have opened wide.
And now I have the privilege of walking by His side.
The Angel Choir is singing, and the music is so sweet;
I’ll join them as soon as I have worshipped at His feet.
I am now in Heaven, and the blood washed throng is here.
I recognized a lot of them – there’s not a single tear.
There’s joy beyond description and reunions by the score.
There be no separations, for we’ll be here ever more.
I am now in Heaven please wipe away your tears!
I’ve fought the battle, run the race – I’m rid of all fears.
There is no pain or sorrow here; the heartaches now are past;
I’ve read and sung of Heaven, and now I’m here at last.
I am now in Heaven, and oh the place is grand!
No one could ever tell me all the beauties of this land.
Since I cannot describe it, you’ll have to come and see
That it was worth the trials to live here Eternally.


It appears to be a poem or a prayer, not a song. I only find two pages that mention it, and neither include the second part yo mention. One site titles it “Imagine” the other calls it “Think…”, but neither mentions an author or any other information. Sorry, that’s all I could find.

There are no net hits at all for this thing as a song in any way, shape, or form. A religious music shop would probably be your best bet.

Reading it would probably be just as evocative as singing it, or failing that, just sing read it as a memoriam and then play or sing “Amazing Grace”, because with all due respect to your grandmother, that memoriam poem would (IMO) make for a pretty clunky and unwieldy song.

I did get a hit for this on google, using certain words picked out of the lyrics. The reason there were no hits before ws because everone was looking for “… and finding it’s heaven” when in reality, the words are “and finding IT heaven.” Small but vital difference.

My hit didn’t list it as a song, but as part of Billy Graham’s sermon at Pat Nixon’s funeral. There’s the link:


He quoted it as something that “someone has written.” I agree with astro that your best bet would be to read it aloud and maybe play an instrumental in the background quietly, or to read it and play something else separately.

I hope all goes well this Sunday.

Actually, for future’s sake…IF this is still helpful, the title of this song is
FINALLY HOME. it was written by Don Wyrtzen. I understand it is difficult to find the recording, but I did find that Robbie Hiner had recorded it on (her? his?) album entitled “A Glimpse of Heaven”.

I hope this helps, even though it is a bit late.:wink: