Finding Nemo pet peeve (pointless nickpicking)

I loved this film.

But, after listening to the story CD about 75 times, there was something I have to get off my chest.

Nemo and his father Marlin are from the Great Barrier Reef. They have American accents.

Yet, everyone else in the film ( I think) has aussie accents. Except Gil (american) and star fish (bought on Ebay) and the cleaner shrimp, who is french. Blow, I can’t remember, but that is ok, since the fish tank is the melting pot of fish life. Nigel the Pelican and Bruce the shark have aussie accents. I think everyone else does.

But, why wouldn’t Pixar give the title characters accents of their origin area?

Thank you for listening to a reasoned lame rant.

Awww…whatever happened to your suspended disbelief? :wink:

Awww…whatever happened to your suspended disbelief? :wink:

(I also loved the film)

It’s “nitpicking,” not “nickpicking.”

Btw, ever seen “Matrix”? Fertile, fertile soil for discussion and finding hidden nuances.

Dory doesn’t have an Aussie accent. Neither do the turtles - pure SoCal surfer. Nor do the seagulls. (Mine? Mine? Mine?) Most of the tank gang don’t, either, nor do Nemo’s classmates. How much of the movie did you get to see, and how much was spent ferrying the little ones to the potty?

(Aside: Did anyone recognize Willem Dafoe? Or Stephen Root? Or Dame Edna? I missed all three.)

Here’s what gets me: I recognized Dory’s coloring from one of my old science books. I looked it up and discovered that she’s an “Atlantic Blue Tang.” That’s right–Atlantic. What she’s doing off the coast of Australia, I have no idea. But then again, neither does she. :wink:

Anybody else think that it’s hysterical a fish, voiced by a lesbian, is a “Blue Tang!”

Royal Blue Tang, actually… according to the soundtrack’s album insert anyway.

Also, to add on to what don Jaime was saying, the lobsters had New Englander accents, and I’m pretty sure that the other parents in the school scene had “American” accents as well. And then there’s John Ratzenberger’s shapeshifting school of fish, who sound like, well, John Ratzenberger.

I personally got the feeling that the accents for each character were chosen quite deliberately- Nemo and Marlin’s “Americanized” voices added a nice, bewildered, fish-out-of-water feeling to their lines, especially when speaking to some of the more startling characters in the movie.

Well, the accents didn’t bother me that much-after all, they are fish. What drove me nuts was the fact that the dentist had what could only be a freshwater aquarium filled with saltwater fish! Everything in that tank was freshwater equipment, and if you empty a saltwater tank to clean it, you destroy the bacteria buildup that keeps the tank healthy. It’s not just a picky thing with me, either-yesterday I heard a news report about the rise in sales of clownfish as a result of this movie. Unfortunately, kids are taking these fish home and putting them in freshwater tanks, where they soon die. You’d think the pet store personnel might think to ask a couple questions before they sell saltwater fish to a kid, making sure they are selling to someone with the right kind of tank.

By the way, Willem Dafoe was the Moorish Idol (Gill) in the tank, Dame Edna was Bruce the shark and Stephen Root was Bubbles, who I think was the Yellow Tang in the tank.

so called because “he likes Bubbles.”

So you were right on all 3 counts. :slight_smile:

What about in restaurants…? Are they edible?

I’m eagerly awaiting the sequel… Eating Nemo

Well, I guess you could have one in the middle of a piece of sushi-they’re pretty tiny.
I wonder why they didn’t have any lion fish in the movie. If you’re going to go for dramatic saltwater fish, they’re about as good as it gets. Given their penchant for self-referencing, they missed an opportunity for a fish named Simba.
If you look real close in Boo’s room in Monsters Inc., you’ll se a little stuffed Nemo!

I was hoping they’d have outtakes during the credits, where Bruce would show up with the trademark wig and glasses. Although having Mike Wazowski snorkeling through was a nice touch.

So what’s the word? They gonna have outtakes on the video release, like they did with Monsters Inc.?

Ironic, considering the entire plot of the movie…

I doubt they care any more than the people who cranked out dalmations to meet demand after 101 Dalmations or, for that matter, the people who sell a bunch of bunnies at Easter to well-meaning idiots who think that it would be cute to give their kid a bunny but don’t give any thought to taking care of it afterward.

How come shrimp are always french?

Because they swim backwards.

Thanks, I’ll be here all week! Try the veal!


I am not a “shrimp”! I’m a king prawn, okhaaay?


damn coding :slight_smile: