Firefly - "Ariel" is also saying that two more episodes have been ordered. Why must they keep dragging things out like this? Just pick up the damn show!

I noticed the thumbprint thing. I thought they were going to use the guys badge and put HIS thumb on the screen. I was surprised when they didn’t. I think I assumed it was a thumbprint reader because it’s a futuristic place and of course they use thumbprint readers.

I hope I’m not out of line with this request…

I was out on Friday and my videotape ran out about 45 minutes into the episode, so I didn’t get to see Jayne’s humiliating return to the fold. (“AAARRRRGGHH!!!” resounded throughout my apartment.)

If any of you taped the episode, would it be possible for you to send me a copy? Or upload the last 15 minutes? Or take screen shots? Or photographs of your TV screen?

I would promptly return whatever was sent, or compensate you in some way, and I would be very, very grateful and appreciative. My email address is in my profile if you want to contact me.

I remain your most humble servant…

From The Tempest


O Setebos, these be brave spirits indeed!
How fine my master is! I am afraid
He will chastise me.

I’ve been thinking about that. She seems to have some mind-reading ability, and also sometimes seems to be able to tell something is going to happen. If that means she slashed Jayne’s chest because she foresaw him betraying them, it sounds like a causal loop, a classic paradox that comes up in stories of time travel or precognition. That is, foreknowledge of Jayne’s betrayal caused River to slash him, which led to him selling her out, so it’s impossible to determine cause and effect. (This is why I don’t write time travel stories; stuff like this always comes up.) Or perhaps Jayne already was thinking about ways to get rid of her.

It was interesting to see Simon’s formidable side; judging from his saving that patient while they were in the hospital, he must be a pretty hot-shot doctor. Not only that, he planned a pretty good caper, and he kept his head when things were desperate.

For some reason my favorite Jayne quote is: “That’s why I never kiss 'em on the mouth.” Cracks me up.

The move the doctor does is a Haramel martial arts move. The idea is to place preasure on the carauted (sp?) artery, thereby knocking out the subject. The same effect is achieved by placing a subject in a “sleeper” hold.

I don’t think it was a thumb reader as much as an ‘open door’ button. I think the panel also had an intercom looking device-- so you could talk to someone on the other side.

Might be necessary if some plague breaks out…

Reynolds would have just whacked the guy’s hand off and used that on a thumprint thingie.


Maybe, but Jayne would have ripped it off with his teeth.

Yes, but he might, nay would probably, swallow the needed part with the print in his enthusiasm.

Pretty good trick doing it with your foot though.

Okay, I guess I was wrong about Simon killing the guy. Good job keeping him occupied while Jayne dealt with the other one anyway.

The move is actually done with your shin bone. You leverage your weight down on your upper shin bone, there-by pinching the subjects artery closed. I never believed it would work either until my teacher did it to me. It’s used as a disabling move. Since you’re on top of your primary opponent you’re free to look around for your next target.

So Simon’s a martial artist, criminal mastermind, devoted brother, pretty-boy rich snob, and brilliant doctor… Anything I’m missing? He’s pretty well-rounded.

Of course, look at Jayne: Brute, sharpshooter, folk hero, traitor.

Makes me wonder what new sides we’ll see to the other chaacters.

Simon reminds me of the 50’s father in Back To The Future.

I don’t know that Simon would have to be a martial artist. The guy he disabled, after all, was already lying on the ground; Simon just went over and used his extensive knowledge of anatomy (brilliant doctor, right?) to turn off the guy’s lights for good.

It’s back to the whole “none of the characters are stupid” thing. I’ve yet to see anyone do anything that I find unbelievable or out of character. Good for Joss. It’s just a shame that shows geared to intelligent viewers are usually not well recieved. I have the feeling this is going to follow the same fate as that other great space show “Space: Above and Beyond”.

Are you suggesting that they will kill characters off like SAAB?

Nah. This is a Mutant Enemy production. All the characters are perfectly safe.

Peeeeeeeerfectly Saaaaafe.

It hadn’t occurred to me, but there are a lot of characters…Let’s see, if they kill one each season… That’s nine seasons of Firefly. Not bad.

Oh, wait, that would necessitate getting through THIS season, first.

So, suppose they did start killing off charcters - Who do you think would get the axe first?

Space: Above and Beyond whcked or sent MIA everyone in the last episode.
All at once.

Back to the question:
First, Jayne will whack River, maybe Simon.