Firefox 4 broke wierdaaron's greasemonkey script!

I uploaded the file on the server, but I didn’t push out an update notification because the “fix” technically breaks other things. If you have the original URL of where you installed the script, you can re-download it from there.

Is anyone else having problems with the overlay? You know, where you can click on the PDF or YouTube icons and the screen fade out with the file shown on top of everything else?

I’ve tweaked the script a bit, so it’s possible I screwed something up, but I didn’t mess with the “Link Awesomizer” code at all.

I fixed line 90 where it doesn’t break the script by finding the window width a different way. Instead of using (window).width() (which throws an error that (window) is undefined) I used window.innerWidth.

This returns that portion of the script to prior behavior. I’m still looking into the overlay problem.