Fireworks question (possible spoilers)

I had to leave before the fireworks display was over. Can anyone tell me how it ended?

Not to sound sarcastic, or like a smart ass…and even though I was not there…I can predict how it ended…

Lots of bright lights…flashes of color…and a big bang! I’m sure it was pretty typical of how fireworks usually end!

There was a terrible traffic jam. You did good to leave early.

I was inside a Six Flags store with customers the whole time; all I knew of were a bunch of loud bangs. I heard rumor of some color, but don’t take it from me.

Did any of them whoosh as they went overhead? I’m a big fan of fireworks, so I’d like to know.

Actually it’s a good thing you missed the end. Anybody who saw the whole thing was permanently blinded, making them easy prey for the Triffids.

"… fabulous yellow Roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes ‘Awww!’ " Jack Kerouac, On The Road

The roman candle did it.

England has a firework display?

Standing ovation by thousands!

Breath-taking in the literal sense.

Overpowering version of Shock & Awe without the destruction.

Shoulda waited around unless things like total excitement are boring for you.

[Dave Attell] Shoulda Hung out man…[/Dave Attell]

Of course they celebrate. I’m sure they are glad to be rid of us.