Firm up buttocks. How?

I have what may seem like a dumb question but… humour me :slight_smile:
I’m wanting to tone my body up a bit. My stomach is okay (my brother is jelous!) I’ve been working on my stomach and arms so far. My question is this:
How the hell are you supposed to firm up them buttocks?! No matter how hard I try I can’t isolate them and all the exercises I try (on elbows + knees and lift leg, hip curl thingies) I can’t exercise my butt! Generally speaking the front of my thighs gets a work out but my butt doesn’t.
Obviously I’m doing something wrong. Can anyone tell me what and give me some good butt workouts? Please?

Your first error is in assuming that by working a specific body part, you’ll burn fat off that body part. It just doesn’t work like that. You’ll lose fat all over your body, in a pattern determined by your genes.

To burn fat, you need to engage in cardiovascular exercise. There’s a lot of info out there, so I’ll let you search for it.

If you want exercises that hit your butt muscles, have a look over here. Actually, have a look at that whole site–it’s got good info.

Thanks for the site address. I’ll have a look through it.
I’m not concerned about loosing fat. I’m only interested in toning.
…is there a difference?

I’m not sure. However, in discussions about exercise, it all comes down to the fact that you can gain/lose fat and gain/lose muscle. To get the sort of tone that I think you’re referring to, you have to lose fat and build muscle.

It’s not gonna be easy–for some reason, the body doesn’t seem to like giving up fat off the butt and hips. Just out of curiosity, are you male or female?

btw (that’s By The Way), welcome to the boards!

hehe, thanks.

I’m female. 19 if that makes a difference, but I’m not terribly fit or anything and can’t do a lot of exercise (health probs)
I would just like to get a little toning down there. If there’s an easy way (HA!) I’ll do it, but if not I’ll put in the extra effort
Oh, I sound so desperate! :slight_smile:

If you don’t mind my asking, what kind of health problems do you have? Feel free to tell me it’s none of my business if you like, but I’ll bet there’s a way around it. I’m not a doctor, but there are some here, and one might stumble across this thread.

…run up hills.

As other posters have said, it won’t specifically remove fat from your butt, but it will tone up your muscles back there something incredible, which is probably more important from the standpoint of what it looks like, and the dimensions thereof, etc.

There’s really nothing called “toning”. You can build muscle and you can lose fat. What you are looking to do is build muscle.

There are several methods to work your glutes. Here’s a pretty decent link:
and another:

You need to isolate the glutes so to speak. Any health club with have machines that do an excellent job. After I do my routine I can really feel it on those machines.

You can also try stair steppers, lunges and high leg lifts (you will feel it in your butt if you are doing it right)

Climb stairs. A lot.

Trust me on this: I’m zaftig, but I’ve got a great booty.

Skating. In-line skating. I’ve been skating for awhile, not a flat but in the bunch. It will give you sexy Popeye calves too.

I am being totally serious here…
I have no idea what your personal life is like, but sex with you on top is an amazing butt and hamstring toner. If you are currently having sex, it’s an easy way to work out those glutes. So it’s fun and easy. You couldn’t find a better exercise regimen if you tried.

I find that walking on the treadmill at around 3mph/3.2mph on full incline - so as steep as possible - really seems to give me aching butt muscles.

I can’t believe I just typed “aching butt muscles.” Anyway I hope it helps.

Ever see a gay man WITHOUT a nice firm butt?

Enough said.

If it’s that important, do whatcha gotta do!


Thanks for all the posts guys! I apreciate it…in a kind of creepy way that so many are taking an interest in my butt.
The reason it’s a pain in the butt (ohh! Good one!) to do a lot of exercises is my health. I’ve got ME/CFS/FMS, whatever. Take your pick. Even teh good doctors haven’t decided which I’ve got yet. Not that they care. There’s nothing they can do so they don’t really care. Fair enough. I can take care of myself. Like, for instance, getting tips from fine folks such as yourselves on working out. :wink:
The roller blading sounds do-able.

btw, Crispy, about the sex post. Cracked me up for 10 minutes! I’m waiting till I’m married thanks. But it made me laugh :slight_smile:

Climb stairs!!

I climbed 8 flights of stairs before jogging 3 miles twice a week for a while. Boy did I find myself carressing my own bum more than a few times in public :slight_smile:

:open_mouth: Wow. Way to go!
I have enough trouble getting up one flight of stairs in the first place. I don’t really do them all that well.
I guess I’m doomed to have a not-as-nice-as-I’d-like bum untill my health picks up.