Madden on PS2 is faster than last year, the moves are now finally responsive though the ‘backwards’ spin move I tried with Garrison Hearst proved to be interesting. Spin move drops you back 2 yards, and I get tackled back an extra 3…5 yard loss.
I try the infamous outside run money play. Got planted, good. You guys will now have to earn your running yards.
The passing game is faster, defensive coverage is tighter, I did not like the new method for defensive line shifting, still yet to find LB shifting. Old method = shoulder buttons only, New method = shoulder button to activate, D-pad to move.
New addition of Buddy Ryan’s ‘46 defense’? Oh hell yea.
NFL 2K3…slow. Why are they trying to be ‘sim’? Recommended adjusting game speed back to fast. Slowdown times on X-Box didn’t help its cause either. Having to press and hold buttons for excessive amounts of time just to make moves, may just be an XBox flaw.
Outside run is easier to shut down. Passing game requires real-time 3 step drop, stand then pass. Ravens receivers can’t catch.
Halftime presentation looked nice. More plays is a good thing.
Malley, O’ Keefe, and Westphal returns is good.
On the gameplay aspect, I’d say Madden fixed and 2K3 gained some and dropped some compared to its predecessors.
For those who carry either one (or both) of the games, I’d like to hear your thoughts.
I’m enjoying the little bit of Madden that I’ve played. It’s similar to NCAA 2003(duh, same company), and I like being able to draft guys that went pro from my NCAA seasons. Graphics seem a little worse than the ones on NCAA. I haven’t played NFL 2k3, but I like Madden 2003 better than NFL 2k2. This is all on the PS2, btw.
How RARE! A Madden 2003/NFL2K3 debate that informs without bashing the other game!
I’ve got Madden 2003 for X-Box. Haven’t played NFL2K3 yet but I’m looking forward to it. My thoughts…
BIG improvement over 2002. DBs play a lot smarter and don’t just run towards the ball, they will actually stay home and contain in this version. So no more 300+ yard games using sweep left and sweep right.
Defensive options are awesome. You can move your linebackers right, left, spread them across the field, or to the middle to stuff the inside run. Coverage audibles are still there as are line shifts.
Extra features are great. I’m still working on my Quad Right[symbol]Ô[/symbol] formation (FOUR receivers flooding the right side). My 3 RB set didn’t work as well as I would have hoped though.
Mini-Camp is the newest feature. You get to hone your skills trying different everts (passing accuracy, tackling, swat drill, etc.). WAY COOL. But the Pocket Awareness* drill is harder than hell. I’ve got a trophy on all other drills, but am still yet to score a god damn POINT on the Pocket Awareness drill.
I’ve only had it since Wednesday so I haven’t been able to really get around to see the whole thing, but if this thread is still going when I do I will give an update.