Fishy News Article

I think of it as more of a “GAH GAHHHHHHH…” (you MUST have the reverb at the end).

I used to have it as my e-mail notification sound. It got old fast.

I see.

So your ignorance of the correct usage of the term means that Kerry was being “misleading.”

Two of your quotes come from private school kids. As a former one, I can tell you, one of the major objects of a private school education is to teach ya how to write(so by extension talk) all pompous and stuff. (Have I ruined the grammar in this enough, do you think? My teachers would shudder.)

It’s a skewed self-selected sample further skewed by the selecting of the editor.

Let me explain…

I’m assuming that they did not call up ten random teens and print what these ten said, no matter what.

I’m assuming you’re starting with teens from all over South Florida (a very large sample, thus likely to have a much larger populaton of smart and eloquent teens than if you just went to one high school classroom). Then, this group is self-selecting by just those teens who watched the debate. In this case, it would take smarter than average teens to be interested in national politics to watch the debate.

Then I’m assuming the paper probably got the teens’ opinions from email. People usually write much more eloquently than they speak, since they can take their time to compose their thoughts. Also, they may be tending to purposely use all the big word synonyms they know to sound smart. When I was a teen, I wrote in big words to impress adults. Now, I sometimes find myself purposely simplifying my writing in order to be better understood by the average person (but, of course, not so here among all you smarties!).

And so, among the many responses the paper received via email (again, my supposition here), the paper weeded out the poorly worded ones, and made sure that grammar and spelling were edited.

Thus you have a double skewed sample favoring the smartest and most eloquent and most political aware teens among a huge population.

The fact that one of them made the silly remarks about ‘menial’ district attorneying would tend to favor that they case that these actually were from teens and not composed by some reporter.


Damn. Y’all don’t realize how I struggled, yet all I came up with was BUM BUM.


Nah, to me it’s more of a WHOMP WHOMP. Which is also more amusing to say when you’re expecting it to come up and then it doesn’t.