We’re not talking about 20 years ago. We’re talking last weekend. I bet they walk when you consider the case of Kyle Lawson. Lawson was discharged after getting beaten by fellow soldiers and threatened at knife point so much that his Sgt put him up in a cot in his own quarters to protect him. Also take into consideration the Supreme Court upholding the Solomon Amendment in support of the anti-gay attitutude of the military.
Throw them in jail and let them rot. I’m sure there a number of cons in Georgia jails that could teach them a thing or three about assault.
Those soldiers are vile human beings. I can’t, nor do I want to, understand the fear and hatred that drives such people. I won’t speculate on the outcome of their arrests, upcoming indictments, and/or trial. Courts are fickle places.
However, linking the Solomon Amendment to the case is very, very thin.
Well, this will be a criminal trial, not a court martial, so, (barring a plea to the jury defending homophobia by the defense lawyers), there will be a different sort of trial. (Did Lawson ever attempt to bring charges against his barracks mates? Are you actually comparing similar legal situations?)
What’s the Solomon Amendment?
See here for discussion.
Despicable. If found guilty, they should be punished to the full extent of the law. This is yet another reason why the military should scrap “Don’t ask, don’t tell” and allow gays to serve. The current policy reinforces intolerance.
Huh? Can you tell us how you would have writen the (unanimous) SCOTUS ruling differently in light of this? (You should have quit while you were ahead.)
Toss’em in jail with a big guy named Bubba.
I suspect it put what they did in a new light.
I find the Soloman Amendment itself to be part and parcel of the anti-gay bias of the military. By upholding it, the Supreme Court reinforces that bias, which in turn lets incidents like the aforementioned happen.
tom~, the incidents involving Lawson were on-base so out of the purview of civil law enforcement. I know the situations aren’t identical; but I’m bemoaning hateful culture coddled and supported inside the military. Georgia isn’t exactly a state known for its tolerence of gays. (Remember Bowers?)
Could you please expand on this? I’m not being flippant - I just don’t understand the connection.
Certain schools chose to disallow the military from recruiting on campus because of their Anti-Gay policies. The Solomon Amendment forces these schools to allow recruiters or lose federal funding. If the military did not have anti-gay policies, then there would not be a Solomon Amendment, therefore the amendment is part and parcel of the anti-gay policies.
Motherfuck. I hope they get the max.
As if it needed another reason. That whole rule is fucking stupid.
Huh? If the military agreed tomorrow to admit gays, that amendment would still be law. It is completely independent of the military’s policy on gays.
There was no way the SCOTUS could overturn that law w/o completely ignoring the constitution. That’s why the decision was unanimous. How often does that happen?
Unless, of course, you can tell us on what legal basis they would have struck down the law…
Prison rape and criminal assault. Where would public outrage and the justice system be without it?
That’ll teach them tolerance and respect for the law. :rolleyes:
These guys deserve whatever the full force of the law (does this qualify as a hate crime in that state?) can do to them.
Meanwhile, the times they are a changing- a few years ago the British ban on homosexuals in the armed forces was lifted ( it was ruled illegal by the European Court of Human Rights in1999). Now, the first civil partnership ceremony on a Royal naval vessel was performed earlier this week, and the RAF is recruiting at Manchester Gay Pride festival!
But they’re soldiers, protecting our rights from eveellll Islamic fundamentalists. Homebrew, why do you hate America?(insert ultimate sarcasm smilie here)
Peace - DESK
I guess they figured that if they didn’t ask the person if he was gay, then the person would not tell about being beaten to a pulp.
I also somehow doubt that any Georgia prison justice is going to be metted out to gay-bashing members of the Infantry. Such an institution hardly seems like a bastion of gay rights.
I’m guessing that the “gayness” of their fellow soldier stirred up some sexual feelings that these fine young men would prefer remain dormant. Assholes.