Well, i’m not one for conspiracy theories and such but this is kinda strange.
Of the thousands of people little Sophie manages to get to the Pope.
I dont know.
Well, i’m not one for conspiracy theories and such but this is kinda strange.
Of the thousands of people little Sophie manages to get to the Pope.
I dont know.
Totally set up IMNSHO.
thata how i feel but dam that is chikenshit’
Comic book fans may remember the Doctor Strange/Doctor Doom graphic novel (quite good, actually) where Doctor Doom stops his car to receive flowers from a little Latverian girl.
Set-up? Or honest expression of love for a proud and noble monarch?
No way to tell.
(I vote set-up.)
set up?
Is that even really important?
If it was a setup it means it was set up to make a political statement.
That is not cool for a visit from the pope. It was a sly attempt to interject an agenda.
A sly attempt to call for more tolerance, acceptance and compassion is “not cool”???
Since when do popes make major trips without making political statements?
I will give you that robert, but where is the call to crack down on pedo priests, something liberals seem to ignore from this pope
I will agree this pope is an activist and thats fine but you have to clear the barn first
Actually I think the Catholic Church does crack down on them pretty hard now. But even if they didn’t, how would that invalidate the the beautiful message of the letter and drawing of this 5 year old girl?
I di like the pope fiat?
and the pope jeepmobile
The first thing the Pope spoke on was immigration. It has been foremost on his agenda forever. I guess Taylor Swift has it right (damn it, not a fan):
Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate.
Gaaa no they dont they get shuffled around they dont do shit…If nothing else I hope all politics aside I hope you understand that the catholic church does nothing to expose and prosecute pedo priests but that is a diff thread apologies
Well bein the pope is a socialist from Argentina i would expect nothing less
jesus was a socialist
The New York Times recently published a list of other visits by popes. I’m seeing several direct political statements, which didn’t need to be hidden behind some obscure moment involving a child in a crowd.
So your OP is stating that the Pope was in on the conspiracy? Damn, where have you been for 16 years? Barada nikto-ing?
I was just wondering how that particular little girl Sophie Cruz happened to make it past security and give the pope a missive on immigration yes that was my OP question.
that was it.
like ahmed and his clock
by walking, placing one foot in front of another? I think at one point one of the secret service agents lifted her up over the barricade…