Fix my dumbass audio issue

I really feel like this is not complicated, but the heck if I can figure out the solution.

We have a shop. Like a retail shop. We have four walls. I am behind a counter on the North wall facing a TV all the way on the South Wall.


I won’t tell you the trouble I’ve encountered, I’ll just leave it there.


What kind of speakers are they? Wired? Wireless? What kind of I/O are we dealing with on the TV? You might need a separate receiver. Are the speakers hooked up to a receiver already?

This is the weeds I was trying to avoid.

Right now our situation is a TV on the backwall and all the sound is downcast from that central point, so all retail on the southern wall is blasted in sound. The north wall has no sound.

So all we have right now is the TV and its speakers.

At home, I added in a pretty good Edifier system that is an active speaker and a passive speaker. Then an out for the sub.

This would almost work, but I need two additional satellite speakers, this does not support that.
I bought 5.1 speaker system thinking it would fix my ills, but it requires a “head,” or amp or rect or receiver.

I think even if we got the amp thing, it won’t disperse sound equally to four speakers.

I think it will get all fucky stereo EROERO EROERO and only background noise and not spread the sound out to four corners.

How about a Bluetooth transmitter for the audio out of the TV and speakers to match?

So those usually allow proper audio/video sync? I find that even my headset goes out of sync without my phone compensating.

Crazy idea: Consult the TV’s manual. You should be able to find it online if you don’t have the paper copy.

You were hoping to have internet randos fix your very technical issue by just giving a nebulous “here’s what I want” statement without any sort of details on what you have/tried?
Anyway, the cheapo way is to just wire up the 2nd set of speakers to the first. Series is safer, but in parallel will be louder.

I don’t think I’ve ever read a TV manual that has information for what the OP is asking about.

@Dr.Colossus i think your solution is to get a small amp, run the audio to that, and split the L/R audio to 2 speakers each.

Take the output from the TV’s headphone socket.
Speakers in parallel.

Do you want four speakers each outputting the same thing, ie four speakers in mono, or do you want two sets of stereo speakers?

I think I want everything in mono.

The goal is to distribute the sound so there’s not just one really loud hotspot. The area near the TV has merch that requires discussion, often, so the blaring TV speakers overhead in that one spot feels kinda…low rent to me.

We use the TV to display photos and to play music via Apple Music. On game days, we play the local college teams.

I think all of that can be mono out of each of the four corners so no matter where you are standing you get the same sounds from each speaker.

I hope this makes sense.

Sorry for the “in the weeds” offense, I just could run down all the dumb ideas I’ve been through and all the equipment I’ve bought but I thought that’d be muddy, and you guys would have a better solution without having to hear about what hasn’t worked yet.

What’s the deal with “channels” on a receiver? What’s a 2 channel verses 5, and is 5.1 something else or 5.1 channels?

If you don’t mind running speaker wires I think what your looking for is a basic 2 channel receiver and 4 speakers. Receivers new are about $200 but you could probably find a perfectly fine used one for less than $100. The tv should have some type of audio output jack that you will wire directly to one of the receiver’s inputs. You can then go into the tv’s menus to turn off the tv’s internal speakers.
Then you just run a pair of A speakers (in stereo) and a pair of B speakers (also in stereo) to the corners of the room.
You’ll control the volume of the speakers using the receiver.
Having the receiver also gives you the flexibility of using the speakers for AM/FM radio or adding other sources like a cd player.

So I am hoping Amazon’s “top choice” in receivers, the Sony 2 channel, and our Klipsch 5.1 system can accomplish exactly this.

Unless I’m missing something?

A “channel” is essentially a separate amp with separate inputs/outputs. A 2 channel amp has 2 amps, one for left and right input/output. 5.1 has left front, right front center front, left rear, right rear, and the .1 is the subwoofer, which only outputs the bottom tenth of the audible range.

Is the Klipsch 5.1 you have just a set of 5 speakers and a subwoofer? If yes then connecting them to a Sony 2 channel receiver using the A and B speaker outputs you will only be using 4 of the speakers.
On the other hand if the Klipsch set you have requires use of the sub you would run speaker wires from the A/B receiver outputs, to the sub, then wires from the sub to four speakers.

I wouldn’t use the Klipsch. A 5.1 system is going the opposite way of what you want.

returning tomorrow!

Not necessarily, you should be able to set the sound mode to mono on the receiver for the input, and then set all the speakers to be the same size, whatever that is.

Yeah, but at this point, OP doesn’t even have a receiver. Rather than go buy a 5.1 receiver and spend a bunch of time configuring it (and that’s assuming that the Klipsch rears are the same size as the front, not a given) our good Dr. could return that over complicated 5.1 system and buy a bare bones receiver and four bookshelf speakers and call it a day.

I misunderstood, I thought he had a sony receiver. But even so, the 5.1 doesn’t do anything for him. Ignore my previous comment.