FLAME ME!!! - Thread for the masochists

One rule in this thread:

Flame the previous poster, and make sure to call him/her a stupic head.


yoyo, your’e a low-life, bad speller, you lousy stupic head.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I’d ask you when you go back to school, ‘stupic head’, but I think even lackluster community colleges have higher standards than would befit you. Why don’t you run outside and play?

for those who can’t tell, I’m not participating in this thread, I’m commenting on it.

Trying to flame in a flame thread and run away? Once you’re in it, you’re in it. Guess you’re afraid of some abuse, you stupic head. Not much worse that a chicken stupic chicken head.

Looks like Lynn’s going to be busy today.