Caution Nudity
I never realized how freckled she was, but then most of her promo shots are heavily air-brushed.
She’s cute and all, and they did a good job of mimicking some of Monroe’s shots, but no, she isn’t Marilyn Monroe.
There are reasons why Marilyn Monroe became the icon that she is (and was even before her death). No one else is quite like her, nor ever will be. Not Anna Nicole, not Lindsay Lohan, not nobody! Probably the closest to her today would be Angelina Jolie or Nicole Kidman (were she to go the blatant sexpot route), but even they lack that certain something that set Monroe apart.
Lohan looks older in those shots than Monroe did, with 10+ years on Lindsay. And Monroe was not exactly a clean livin’ girl.
Oh wow, you’re not wrong there. I think Lohan is pretty hot in general, but in Slide 4 she looks like she’s 50.
Great cans.
And that is absofuckinlutely all this shoot has to recommend it. It would have been far more tasteful of Lindsay to just do some straight nudie stuff and not attempt to crawl into the skin of a dead goddess.
LL ≠ MM.
Not really. She needs bigger nipples.
Jee-zus. Somebody got WAY too much sun when she was a girl.
Seriously! I thought it was all the way she dressed or some water bra thing, but she’s got a sizeable rack and they appear to real. It is kind of odd though, overall she doesn’t come off as *all that * on the sexymeter. There are SDMB gals that could give her a run for her money.
Yeah… I’m looking at you sweetheart!
I can see nothing wrong with those cans.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen the MM pics, but IIRC she had kind of an unsightly scar from gall bladder surgery, and she looked kind of bleary-eyed and tired in some of the shots, so they weren’t MM at her best. Lindsey Lohan looks just fine in those pictures, IMO.
Lohan has no hips (or no waist) and those boobs are too big and droopy.
And there’s no light in her eyes, no sparkle. Monroe sometimes looked tired, but never that tired.
This claim demands evidence!
There’s nothing wrong with her body, but if you compare her to the photos of MM in the second slide, I think you’ll see it’s her “attitude.”
Marilyn has a sexy, fun loving look on her face, the way she holds her body up, there’s energy. In Lindsey’s photos, she looks tired, no smile, no sexy look and her shoulders are slumped (compare slide 4 to the similar photo in slide 2.)
Plus I think her makeup artist did a hack job on her.
Why did she do this, exactly? Anyone know? I mean, I know she has seen more rehabs than most people have seen Popes, but New York Magazine? What the hell is that anyway? I’m sure Maxim/Playboy/some dumb artie weirdo could have taken way, way better pictures. Sure, she’s nude, but I want to punch whoever made those rose ones especially. Look at me, I can filter!
All I’m saying is that if you want to officially destroy any semblance of a career you might have once had, atleast do it with some taste.
Wait. “Cans” are boobs? In my day, “can” meant butt.
Her film career’s in the crapper, and she’s not being paid movie film bucks these days. She needs to keep herself in the public eye. Being talked about = being paid for promo gigs etc. It’s only a few hundred thou a pop for these things, but a girl’s gotta eat.
Yeah! And “thongs” were shoes!
Sheesh…kids these days!
40’s 50’s
butt = can - “she fell on her can”
breasts = guns - “great set of guns”
60’s 70’s
butt = ass
breasts = tits
80’s 90’s
butt= booty
breasts = tits
2000 >
ass = badonkadonk
breast = cans
Epic knockers.
Well, at least she accomplished proving that her boobs are real.