Flatulent Kitten

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I’ve noticed a strong showing of cat owners as well as those in the know regarding animal health here. At the end of September we adopted Lucy, a 3mo old kitten, from the Humane Society. Lucy was spayed, healthy, and current on all her shots. Prior to her tenure at the shelter, she had been fostered for a bit to gain weight. They sent her home with Purina Kitten Chow (the food she had been eating), a little bottle of lysine, two kitty toys, and a complete medical history that said she was totally healthy.

Lucy is a sweet little kitty. She’s very patient with our young girls, gets along well with Oliver, our 8yr old tabby, and plays with Zoe, our 7yr old aussie. Lucy likes to snuggle on our laps, and her favorite places to sleep are in a flower pot on the windowsill or under the couch.

The problem is that Lucy produces enough natural gas to run our boiler. If only we could harvest it! Do you know how we know Lucy is snoozing under the couch? We can smell her. She gets thrown off of laps because she makes one’s eyes water. This is the smelliest cat I have ever met. She smelled like this while eating the kitten chow, and she smells like this eating cat chow (she appears to prefer Oliver’s food). I thought she killed the pothos in her flower pot of choice by lying on it, but it might have been the fumes. This kitten’s farts could peel paint. Other than that, she appears totally healthy.

I know from stink. I’ve got small children, one in diapers. I work with industrial chemicals. I’m married. I am no stranger to odor. This cat gags me. Suggestions? Commiseration? Will she outgrow this? Should we change her diet? Have the vet look her over?


We’ve had this experience with 2 kittens, but they got over it after they were neutered. Don’t know if it was that operation, or they just grew out of it.

Wouldn’t hurt to ask the vet, though, when you take her for her next set of shots.

What, you want pics of the farts?

No, just my short attention span. I’ll be quiet now. I forgot a link was provided.
Bad Trevor.


We’ve had threads on this before. kitten fart search
I think the consensus has been its a kitten thing. They tend to outgrow it. Mine did.

Ah - thanks! I googled it, but never thought to do a thread search here.
Apparently I should give the kitty yogurt and stick a cork in her butt. And not light any matches. And wait it out. She’s 5 months old - I’m not sure how much longer we can hold our breath. We’ve seriously gone to change the 2yr old thinking she was the source of the odor only to find it was the cat.

The link does provide a Freudian approximation, what with Lucy in front of a gas grill.

you must have adopted my kitty!
We adopted her at age 4 months, after having been spayed.
A wuvvie-dovie pwetty putty…but also a farter. A professional, high-octane farter.

We tried a couple different kinds of dry pellet cat food, and the problem disappeared.For us, it is Royal Canin brand.

YMMV (your meowing may vary)

I’ve had a couple of kittens that were mightily farters, but stopped once they were adults. I suspect it’s something to with tiny little as-yet-developing GI tracts, but that’s just speculation on my part.

At the pound they estimated that Ferdinand was about 2 years old when we adopted him. For the first few months we called him Fartinand. It was paint peelingly eye wateringly awful. But it passed. I wonder if it has some connection with a change in circumstances. “This is all new and strange, I shall defend myself with gas!”

I definitely think it’s a kitten thing. Every cat I adopted as a kitten has had eye watering, nostril gouging, lung searing flatulence.

It usually seems to go away after about 6 -9 months.

Yep…it’s a kitten thing. Patience and a gas mask are all you need to wait it out.

Can’t really blame 'em, it sure works for me.

i have a 6yr old who assists me with home repair. just one or two days in a room and all the paint and wall paper just flings it self off the wall. with her it is a mix of over producing a bacteria in her gut and i.b.s… just lovely.

science diet indoor for older cats has her down to a dull roar now.

the boychick is about 8 months old and is getting over a parasite. things are better now.

Beano worked for our dog. The vet was okay with it.

This thread has me laughing! Yes, kittens fart, and even a whiff of a kitten fart is like getting hit in the face with a chair. But they do grow out of it–usually. Our Hope is now down to about one fart a year that we know of, but that one’s a killer.

Our Pixel was known as the Gascat for the first few weeks after we brought him home. Once he settled in and got used to his new food, he was fine. He melted at least three pairs of my contacts, though.

Note to self: never adopt a kitten. (come to think of it, I’ve only ever gotten teen age or adult cats).