Flo, The Progressive Insurance Chick

I am a little surprised that anyone actually finds this character attractive. To me, she looks like either an alien who is trying to disguise herself as a human, but hasn’t gotten it right (Vincent D’onofrio in Men in Black) or some sort of love child between a human and one of the Puttermans from those Duracell commercials. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soLNQDyC6c4&feature=related

Be sure to actually “suck face”, otherwise you’ll slip right off those lips and off the other side of that slick, shiny skin! :wink:


Dude! You nailed her!

I guffawed outta both ends when I read that. How perceptive! Kudos! :slight_smile:


There’s one commercial that shows her walking away from us, so add the fact that she has a cute butt to the list.

I think that the appeal is because she looks cheap and desperate-a kind of neglected milf, which makes her an easy target, when we are on the hunt. Also, she’s undefined, because we don’t know how her body is shaped, and that arouses our interest, ergo, our libido.

I read somewhere that she was one of the founding members of the comedy group The Groundlings. It would explain her excellent timing and quirky expressions.

She was a member, but certainly not a founder. The Groundlings was formed in 1974:

She was born in 1970: Stephanie Courtney - Wikipedia

Count me as another who finds her hawt. It’s something about the eyes…

She is striking and memorable. I gave some thought as to why, and I came up with that she’s clownish. The extreme makeup, the exaggerated expressions, the excess energy and cadence… she’s similar to a clown in some ways. Or the exaggerated way that parents will, when talking to their infant, make faces and baby talk. She appeals on a very basic level, not necesarily sexually.

But… if she does strike you sexually, then you clearly want to have sex with your parents and a clown at the same time. And it’s easy to see the appeal of that, right?

He looks like Heath Ledger and Michael Keaton had a baby together.

Is the guy in this Progressive commercial the same guy seen in this Jeep Liberty commercial?

Good Eye, Mister Rik.:wink:

Plus, that’s a damn funny commercial (the JEEP)


I also think it’s quite fetching the way she says “Yeah!” after the customer says “Seriously?” in this commercial.

Funny, I have found her totally irritating from the start. It’s probably something simple, like the makeup and hair, but I just can’t watch her.

Is it as fetching for six minutes straight?

It’s a craze, I tells ya: http://www.cleveland.com/tv/index.ssf/2009/09/progressives_flo_takes_on_geik.html

What do you mean by “made public?” You can certainly find more than one by doing a Google search.

Wonder if she has a WoW toon?:slight_smile:

I think I may be falling in love with her and want her to chastise me for buying my insurance with Allstate!

I also want Christiane Amanpour to spank me, but if she can’t make it, I’ll take Flo instead!

I am JOKING, okay, Ogdammit?:D:D:D

Plus, my wife would kill me if she saw I wrote this!

Know what she’d say?

“You need to go to the altar this Sunday, Bill!”

I love that about her! She is so precious in her thoughts and deeds and she’s the “nurse” for our WHOLE family! She takes her brother and sister to doctor’s appointments, answers questions about medical issues for all our other relatives, takes care of my sorry ass, and STILL works as a respiratory therapist in a sleep center!

She likes my sense of humor, I think.

Couldn’t be anything else! Too ugly and sarcastic to have any other redeeming qualities.:slight_smile:

And thanks for digging up this old thread, Elendil’s Heir!:slight_smile:

I feel honored.



I still prefer the secret agent babe with the fuschia-colored hair in the E-surance commercials.

What; she’s a cartoon? I hadn’t noticed. Doesn’t matter; she’s still hot.

Erin E-surance is hot, but I hate the way she says, “don’t forget the good STUDENT discount.”