Flooding in Binghamton, NY, or not?

Considering a trip to Binghamton, NY this Friday late afternoon or evening into Saturday. We’ll be staying a little to the west in Apalachin, NY. I understand there is a threat of more heavy rains this Friday and/or Friday night. Should I be concerned enough to reschedule my trip? What website(s) do you local SDopers like best for a local forecast, especially the 5-day outlook?

I should add we want to go to the Discovery Museum (the Children’s Museum). As I recall, you have to follow the river (Susquehanna?) Are we just asking for trouble, or do you think this should not be a concern?

Hard to say. There’s been some flash flooding there – Flooding in Tier: The latest on road closures, water levels, emergencyhttp://www.wbng.com/story/38887051/port-crane-binghamton-experience-flooding-overnight – but I suspect it’s not going to be as bad as the 2011 or 2006 floods that devastated the region. But my crystal ball isn’t promising anything.