Follow-up comments after flagging a post -- is there a way?

Once you flag a post, you might get more information that would be useful, or discover your flag was in error, or something, but there doesn’t seem to be any way to edit one’s flag message or to add another one. I can see why that might be the case, but I wonder if there is any workaround if one has more information. I could send a DM to an appropriate moderator, but I’m afraid I don’t know who the moderators are for specific forums (and I don’t know where to find out).

p.s. while I was looking around to try to find out who the moderators for a forum are, I discovered that the “Contact Us” quick link at the bottom of the main/forum list page just goes to a blank screen.

Once a mod replies to you with that automated “We agree there’s a problem and we’re looking into it” DM, you can then converse with all the category mods via that DM thread. I do that often.

And I suspect you and I are thinking of the same thing. Which I did report. I’m sure it’s a sockly obsessive repeat.

You can also send a PM to “moderators” and we will all receive it. That’s probably the best way.

For those interested in which mods moderate which forums, look here:

This is an email link that goes to a specific person at the Sun Times. It’s for administration of the entire Straight Dope web site. That individual is not involved with the daily moderation of the SDMB. Please do not bother him with SDMB moderation issues.

Depending on how your system and browser are set up, this could open your email software to send a message. If you get a blank screen then chances are your system isn’t set up to launch an email just from a mailto link.

In addition to the list in the FAQ, each forum has a sticky at the top which has a basic blurb about the forum and a list of moderators for that forum.

Thanks for the info. I have unpinned all my stickies, I guess I should re-pin that one.

You can also go to your sent messages and see and reply to the original flag message there:[insert_your_username ]/messages/sent

D’oh!! Thank you.

I knew they appeared there after the first mod had replied. I somehow never thought to look there before that first reply. Seems pretty darn obvious now that you say it, but I’d totally assumed they disappeared into some black hole of mod-looping until a mod got back to me.
