Inspired by the thread discussing what smells good but can’t be eaten.
Many people responded that one such food was coffee. Me, too. I find it interesting considering that coffee is one of the most abundant products available.
I began to think of other foods and beverages that are exceedingly popular in the US that I really don’t like.
Wading through the web, there is clickbait that I often see that appears to be banana slices in a pot of boiling water, and that put me back on that train of thought. I really don’t care for bananas; other than people who are allergic to them, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like them.
Onions are another. I have some sort of intolerance for them; they make my mouth tingle and upset my stomach. Every time I eat a meal prepared by others I need to ask if onions are in the food. Some people are shocked that anyone could dislike onions.
Got any foods that you don’t eat, making you stand out from the crowd?
LOTS of people I know don’t like seafood/sushi/oysters/etc in one form or another (more for me!)…as far as what everyone seems to like except me, yeah, my vote is coffee.
Watermelon (or any melon, for that matter)- always hated it
Lobster- ate too much of it ($15 Tuesday dinner specials) so stopped liking it
Sushi- ditto, unless it’s something inventive or rare
Oysters- realized I really only liked the horseradish and Tabasco
Asparagus- smelly pee scares me
It seems like most people can’t imagine eating a burger or fries without ketchup. Yuck. Ketchup is a vile substance that I don’t want anywhere near my food.
And, like others in this thread, coffee and sushi.
I have a friend who will not eat bananas. She’ll eat banana bread, canned bananas in fruit cocktail, banana-flavored candy, etc. but the peel and eat variety? Nope. For her, it’s a texture thing.
I am not a fan of eggplant, coffee, or ketchup. Lots of people love those things, but not me.
Pasta. Everybody loves it. I don’t even like it. I can eat a little of it, to be polite.
Ice cream. People think I am like some kind of hellbeast because I don’t like ice cream, but when I connected with members of my birth family, none of them liked it either.
These are just the ones almost everybody likes. Most of the other things on my list are things not well liked by a lot of people and, of course, loved by others. Like liver.
There is a whole category of crappy “nostalgia” fast food that everyone in the US seems to love as they were fed it as a kid. But as I didn’t grow up here, just tastes like crappy fast food to me. Tater tots and Kraft Mac and cheese are classic examples.
Sloppy joes would be on the list (had no idea what it even was before I moved to the states) but for the fact I don’t mind it.