Foods you can't order with a straight face in the US.

Years ago there was a dialogue in Shanghai Knights referencing an English dessert called Spotted Dick.

There are a few others I’ve heard over the years like a juice named Fart.

I was just going to start a thread to see what my fellow Dopers have come across but did a little research and found this short reference with such gems as.

[li]JussiPussi dinner rolls[/li][li]Pee Cola[/li][li]Doobys Cereal[/li][li]and Cock Soup[/li][/ul]
Obviously there are products with intentionally crude or suggestive names, notably beers, wines, and hot sauces.

What is out there that’s not on the link above?

What American products would potentially get you slapped if asked for in another country?

The Pu Pu platter!

I’ll have a faggot with a spotted dick please.

Grmph. This was meant to be an IMHO.

Would a passing mod be so kind as to toss it that way?

And have some spotted dick for your trouble!

spotted dick?
edit: beaten to it.

Cock-a-leekie soup.

How about a toad in the hole?

There is a Japanese brand of (sort-of) soft drink called Calpis, or as we ex-pats charmingly called it, Cow Piss.

When they marketed it in the US they were smart enough to change the name to Calpico.

I was at my favourite pub in Santa Monica and ordered the faggots & peas. (I don’t think they carry them anymore.) It was crowded, and a lot of people were ordering food, so the waitress had her arms full. ‘Faggots?’ I raised my hand. :smack:

Mmm… Liver meatballs with gravy!

This thread is a bit different than I was expecting from the title. I was going to put in a vote for the “Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity” platter at International House of Pancakes.

Mmmm…who doesn’t enjoy a mouthful of Hot Kid honey balls?


Not exactly what you meant but I always smile when I eat the Japanese dish “oyako don”. It translates to parent and child bowl because it has chicken and eggs in it. Sounds really savage to me (but it’s yummy!).

Banger? I hardly knew her!

There’s Yellow Pea Soup. In the military Cream Chipped Beef on toast is known as SOS, an abbreviation for Shit On a Shingle.

Half the list doesn’t make sense. Cockburns is pronounced “Co’burns” and I’ve still to work out what’s wrong with Horlicks exactly. Perhaps they’re thinking it’s pronounced “whore licks”, or something (in which case, it isn’t)?

I see this as more of a MPSIMS thread, and have moved it there from GQ.

samclem, Moderator

My sweet balls.

Anything with dillweed in it.


I buy pickles just to say, “do you want to bite my pickle?” Sausages, cheese logs, pretty much anything that looks like a penis, too.