I don’t quite see it that way, the attorney is actually responding at the mud coming from the Shindler’s side that recently mentioned that Terry is bleeding from the nose and falling apart.
Bullshit. A garden can look peaceful. A home can look peaceful. People often say it of corpses. Many inanimate, unsentient things can look peaceful, or at peace.
I haven’t read through the eighty threads about this, so this may have been posted elsewhere. But I read this article the other day and I thought it was very interesting. Of course in Terry’s case it’s not so applicable since she’s not aware at all. As to the OP, sorry, but I don’t see how the attys comment in any way invalidates their side of the case.
Well, sure. That’s exactly what he’s saying. Now that the parents’ appeals and all other options have been exhausted, all he’s got left to do is get her to cluck like a chicken, then he will bring her out of the magical spell he’s had her under for the last 14 years. :rolleyes:
Christ, stop reading whatever you want into every little thing. “AAAAH” and “WAAAH” could also be the beginning of “I want to die” or “I want this bullshit to stop, right fucking now,” but we’ll never hear about that.
I can assure you from personal experience that no more than four hours before my grandfather died from cancer, his appearence was peaceful and damn near ethereal.
Those of you who wish to pass on the thought that Mrs. Schiavo is being tortured have another think coming.
Terri Schiavo’s parents, Bob and Mary Schindler were outraged by Felos’s statements. They said they had asked Terri how she felt about his remarks and said that she replied “AAAAAHH WAAAAA,” which they say meant ‘I want Mr. Felos to apologize for his hurtful and misleading remarks as to the current state of my medical condition, as they are highly inaccurate.’
Somehow, I think if you made a list of the Top 50 Foot-in-Mouth moments from this saga, these comments wouldn’t rate a mention.
I was going to include the part about the Marianas trench, but I always mispell it and think it’s the Marinara Trench or something. On top of spaghetti, all covered with cheese…
Perhaps I should try sprinkling my posts with more smilies in order to insure that people take it as a joke.
I’m not saying that Terry doesn’t look peaceful, btw.
I’m saying that Felos’ statements were a huge mistake.
It’s ok for him to refute the claims that she’s bleeding and in pain.
But to put it that way, that she appears more at “peace” now than ever before, is a clear invitation to attack from the pro-feeders.
He needs to keep in mind that, as the attorney in this case, and given the level of media exposure and animosity of the opposition, he has to stay on message that this woman is in a permanent vegetative state, and therefore isn’t any more peaceful now than at any other time.
It really makes no difference. They’re not going to parse his message for implications. You’re talking about people who are comparing this to the Third Reich.
Oh yes, they will. Trust me, I’ve been hearing it daily. (That said, even the majority of anti-abortionists I know are saying, let the woman die.)
Anyway, it’s not a huge deal, the feeders aren’t going to win, it’s not the worst blunder that’s ever been made as was noted above.
But when I read it, I thought, “Oh, no!” I’m gonna hear it tomorrow from certain quarters – “He’s lying about her, but he knows she’s conscious or he wouldn’t have said that!”
One could also be charitable and interpret those remarks as gently nudging the Schiavos and the let-her-live group toward accepting the situation - and about damn time. He could have said she was kicking and screaming (even if she was), and then we’d have another round of frivolous legal filings and irresponsible law-passings and stupid TV interviews.
But it’s simply good manners, a white lie if you will, to help a dead person’s family think their end was peaceful and painless, no matter what the fact is. It may not help them grieve, but it can’t hurt.