I’ve seen one SW movie ever - IV, and I don’t really remember much of it. I want to stage a huge SW fest, with 1-3 people, and watch them all in one day. What order should we do it in? I-II-III-IV-V-VI? IV-V-VI-I-II-III? Help me out, here, guys!
If you felt like skipping I & II, few would blame you.
Star Wars
The Empire Strikes Back
The comic books
The Thrawn books
Trust me, it’s better this way.
Random would work just as well as anything.
Someone on another board suggested this order…
IV, V, //wavey lines//I, II, III, //more wavey lines//, VI
I don’t get this “I-II-III-IV-V-VI” stuff you’re talking about. There were only three Star Wars movies - “Star Wars,” “The Empire Strikes Back,” and “Return of the Jedi.” Anyone who claims that another trilogy exists is obviously delusional.
Actually, I think that the best way to watch them is IV, V, VI, I, II, Clone Wars cartoon series and then III.
The cartoons were a bit OTT, but really do provide a nice transition from II to III.
Forget about all these SW loonies above and just watch them I-VI. It’s a good order. It all works out pretty well story wise and the only real drawback of this order, that the graphics are somewhat less amazing in the latter three movies, are compensated well enough by the characters being built up better (less time spent on amazing digital land and city-skapes, more time spent on characters and dialogue - and fewer characters too).
I had to laugh, by the way, when I saw the Darth Vader suit with the 80s type buttons and switches on it. I’m sure that’s going to help make the transition from III-IV a lot smoother. :lol:
The two big surprises are ruined if you watch it in order. So I second adam yax’s order, especially the Clone Wars bits, since it introduces some characters that have no backstory otherwise.
Yep, do it that way. I saw the Clone Wars cartoon series on Cartoon Network and it provided a decent background to RotS. Though beware, the ‘powers’ shown in the Clone Wars cartoon are obviously exaggerated.
I hadn’t thought about this. I imagine for most, the surprise is already out of the bag even IF they hadn’t seen the originals. Kind of like when I watched Citizen Cane.
But if everyone has seen them, I’d give it a shot I-VI.
Though I didn’t like I-III, if I were going to watch them anyway, I’d see what Lucas is talking about when he says it “all will make sense.”
It kind of already made sense to me…
Someone posted this on another message board I go to:
By watching them out of order, you keep more of the suspense, and the prequels are treated as flashbacks rather than the “beginning.”
This is also the reality I choose to live. Lets hope there are many more of us, dear brother.
Bah. The ending of the Thrawn trilogy was as lame as anything Lucas has done.
Back to the OP, I recommend IV-V-VI, I-II-III, simply because that’s the way most everyone else has seen it. Though I guess it would be interesting to see how badly the plot holes and retcons stand out for someone who hadn’t seen the original trilogy first.
The best way to watch them is probably the way we all did.
Watch Episodes 4-6 and then wait 15 years. After that, watch one of Episode 1-3 every three years…
If you can make me 9 years old again, I’ll do this.
Despite the changes to the original trilogy and despite the suckiness of TPM and (less so, but still sucky) AotC, I still feel like I am 9 when I see ‘A Long Time Ago I A Galaxy Far, Far Away’. For that I owe a debt of gratitude to George Lucas.
Here’s the thing. As a person new to Star Wars, if you try to watch the films in chronological order you won’t make it past The Phantom Menace, because it sucks on toast.
In the future I believe people will watch them in 1 through 6 order. I believe our’s is the only generation that will have seen them out of order.
True, the things we consider to be surprises; “I’m your father” and Yoda is a muppet, will be lost on the viewers of the future. But I think that when the 6 volume DVD set is available and on our children’s (and their children’s, ect.) shelves, the natural way to watch the epic story being told will be to watch it in chronological order.
I’ll wager that not too far down the line 20th Century Fox will re-release the whole thing to theaters in 1 through 6 order with releases coming a couple of months apart.
Also don’t forget the marathon screenings of all six parts in one day that will come along. The films will be shown in 1 through 6 order at those screenings.
Doesn’t it, though? I will admit, though I think three prequels stink, I actually watched Phantom Menace last night and had a great time.
Not because it was a cinematic masterpiece (still stunk), but because my three year old experienced Star Wars for the first time. I spent the whole movie watching HIM.
For the record, he LIKES Jar Jar Binks.
I guess Lucas was right. Those under 25 love the prequels. Though I owe Lucas a debt of gratitude for the first three, I didn’t like the next three.
So where does the Christmas Special fit in?
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