For all those limerick fans....

Complete the rhyme… and then start another…

There once was a man name Sal…

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!

There once was a man named sal
Who loved a bodacious gal…


Changing my Sigline again 'cause Vebs’tummy is all better now!

There once was a man named sal
Who loved a bodacious gal…


Changing my Sigline again 'cause Vebs’tummy is all better now!

PCW – I generally enjoy your wit and wisdom on the board but … If you’re going to start a limerick game at least start with a line that scans!!!

How about …

There once was a fellow named Sal…


There once was an old man named Sal…


If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

There once was a man named sal
Who loved a bodacious gal,
When he showed her his ‘thang’…

Now you’ve got VB doing it!!

Listen up everyone: The first line of a limerick has eight syllables!!!

Eight. As in a few (see the few thread for details).

Unless we’re supposed to pronounce “bodacious” with four syllables you both screwed up!

Pluto <- retires with his knickers in a knot.

Ok Pluto, you asked for it:

There once was a plumber named Lee
who was plumbing a girl by the sea
Said the girl “stop your plumbing,there’s somebody coming”
Said the plumber still plumbing “it’s me!”


Changing my Sigline again 'cause Vebs’tummy is all better now!

Pluto… as you may have noticed, I have never been one to follow rules… but thank you for pointing them out.

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!

There once was a fellow named Sal,
who was in love with a bodacious gal,
when he showed her his ‘thang’
she screamed out with a twang…

And VB, that’s so YOU! always thinking from, well, never mind. :wink:

Life is teaching you some painful lessons. But it is from adversity that strength is born. You may have lost the inning, but I know you’ll win the game.

There once was a fellow named Sal,
who was in love with a bodacious gal,
when he showed her his ‘thang’
she screamed out with a twang
and exlaimed, “Can’t you straighten it? I shall!”

Mayor of Snerdville, the home of Mortimer Snerd

“I’m just too much for human existence – I should be animated.”
–Wayne Knight

Woohooo! 400 posts!
Now, let’s be accurate, Purplebear; I don’t think with it, but it’s the only toy God gave me, I will play with it 'til it breaks, and I was taught to share! :wink:


Changing my Sigline again 'cause Vebs’tummy is all better now!

VB, dear, and I quote"let’s be accurate, Purplebear…" So, let’s! I said, FROM there, not WITH there. HAH! I won’t comment on ‘it’ breaking, but if you really share…
you know where I live… :wink:
To continue with this limerick thing:

There once was a guy named Larry…

Life is teaching you some painful lessons. But it is from adversity that strength is born. You may have lost the inning, but I know you’ll win the game.

Are you guys trying to give pluto a seizure? Come on, now…if a thing’s worth doing, it’s woth doing right!

The once was a fellow named Larry
Whose “thang” was bodacious and hairy


Good Gawd, I love limericks!

There once was a fellow named Larry,
Whose “thang” was bodacious and hairy.
It looked like a cigar…

My fate keeps getting in the way of my destiny.

Extra points to anyone who is able to work “The Virgin Mary” into the final line.

There once was a fellow named Larry,
Whose “thang” was bodacious and hairy.
It looked like a cigar,was hard as a bar,
and converted the Virgin Mary!
“Gimmee the points!” :slight_smile:


Cowabunga Buffalo Bob!

[shoving the extra credit over to VB with the tip of his pool cue]

There was a young man of Toledo…


There was a young man from Toledo,
Who carried a bulge in his Speedo…

If it jams, force it; if it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

There was a young man from Toledo,
Who carried a bulge in his Speedo,
The day it got loose,
The cops cooked the goose,
Of his spicy, exotic burrito.

(don’t ask ME what it means!)

“Not everybody does it, but everybody should.”

There was a young man from Toledo,
Who carried a bulge in his Speedo,

You’re talking about me, right?

“People must think it must be fun to be a super genuis,
But they don’t realize how hard it is
to put up with all the idiots in the world.”
– Calvin and Hobbes