For The Curious: Gene Mapping Shows What the Platypus Is Made Of

Well - You never know when you’re lost in the wilds of Austrailia with nothing platypuses around. It should would come in handy knowing which ones can provide milk and which ones sting you.

I thought everyone knew the venom part. (Spurs, males only.)

In Australia, everything’s poisonous. Except the koalas. But they’re mean and the drop bears are poisonous.


Drop Bears are explosive on impact.

Thank you for this fantastic thread and the wonder link to the atricle. Also a shout out to everyone who’s familiar with Perry. I love that little guy. And I knew about the milk and poison part as well. Never knew how F&P ended up with a platypus considering the poison spurs. Maybe they had him fixed. That’d explain why he doesn’t just spur the good Prof. D. now wouldn’t it. Hmmm…soooo many questions now. Better go do some research.

Ummm, not getting the inside jokes here…