It turns out that platypuses are even weirder than we thought:
Also, they have ten sex chromosomes. Who needs ten?
NPR aired a story on it today as well. I don’t think I would have paid such close attention if they hadn’t started out by quoting Ogden Nash.
Interesting to know that its looks reflect the genome. Check out the video, too.
They’re cute little critters, aren’t they?
Honey, you got me hornier than a duck billed platypus.
I’ve always wondered: Do they taste like chicken or do they taste like fish?
Damn you & such.
I wanted to.
Even cuter is the fact that their young are called puggles.
Correspondent Daffy Duck responds:
<keels over from the sheer cuteness of that>
Is that a duck billed platypus in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?