For the love of god, DO NOT DRINK THE FRUIT PUNCH!!!

I won’t even try to explain it. Read the link.,1299,DRMN_15_835399,00.html



This subject is also a current thread in The Pit.

I just can’t wrap my mind around how something like this got past the quality control people.

Damn you, bernse.

I step away from the keyboards just to go do something else for a while. Just to read a nice book. Then I remember I’ve got some editing to do, so I do that. As soon as I send that off, I think “hey, why not one last look at the boards while I’m here?”

And I find this.

I was going to go to bed and try and sleep. Now I’ve got visions of Opal’s Osama Bin Dover AND fruit-punch-soaked penii careening around wildly in my brain.

Thanks, bernse. The only thing that will help me sleep now is a swift hammer blow to my forehead.


There is no need to have this thread running in two different forums, so I’m locking this off.