For Those Of Us Who Bought Vista-Equipped Computers.....

… and don’t like Vista (it sucks!), is there any kind of a “fix” for us?

Like maybe Windows 7 - for FREE?



You can mess around with the different settings to make it look and behave a lot like XP although not exactly. It takes a few hours to get it the way you want it though.

Windows 7 is a beta version that will expire so you shouldn’t use that as your main OS but I hear good things about it.

You can’t even get a downgrade to XP for free.

The moral of the story is that you should only buy every other Microsoft operating system or that you should switch to Mac.

What don’t you like about Vista? There may be a way to disable that particular “feature,” or to work around it.

Your computer manufacturer may offer a free downgrade to XP, but that’s only for Business or Ultimate editions of Vista, and I think not all computer manufacturers offer this option.

According to Engadget, a leaked Best Buy memo says new computers purchased after June 26 will be eligible for a free upgrade to Windows 7. It’s not clear to me whether this is a Microsoft policy or just Best Buy’s.

Windows 7 Release Candidate

You could install a free OS system such as ubuntu in a dual boot setup if you’re having trouble running older software. When Windows 7 comes out I would recommend a complete reinstall.

My computer is a “Gaming” one, I bought specifically for WoW and it came with VISTA. My previous DELL has XP loaded on it, but I don’t have the “wherewithall” (brain-power) to make the two mate.:smack:

The present set is IBUYPOWER, and I LOVE it for WoW, but it does suck for anything else.

Thanks, Kids!:slight_smile:


As with most computer things newegg comes to the rescue, they got a ton of boxed and oem versions for the having. Don’t read the license non-sense, if you don’t know about it its not illegal!

Not exactly true. So, I"ve deleted your specific link. Don’t do this again.

samclem Moderator, General Questions.

It’s a Microsoft policy, but it’s up to individual retailers whether they want to participate or not. Most probably will.


Two years ago my son bought me a copy of XP at the MS employee store. They no longer sell it, at least there. But when I installed it, it had no video or WiFi driver. I paid someone to find me drivers. The computer works like a dream and, as a bonus, it boots very quickly since it came without all the usual garbage.

I think you can still buy XP for about $100, but you are on your own for hardware drivers.

O, woe be to us.

Woe is us!

It’s scheduled for full release on October 22. If you buy a Vista Home Premium, Business, or Ultimate pre-loaded machine after July 1st, you will (probably) have the option for a free upgrade to Windows 7 when it releases. As someone mentioned, it’s technically up to the manufacturer, but nearly all vendors should be offering it.

So I screwed up. right?

God! It works great on WoW!

Could someone PLEASE tell me the BEST computer for gaming?

At this point, I don’t even care about the money



There’s not really one “best” computer for gaming. I mean, here’s Newegg’s “gaming rigs” sorted by rating, but there’s more out there.

What do you specifically not like about Vista?

If I’m understanding this right, your Vista gaming rig works fine with WOW–so you don’t need an entirely new computer, that’d be a waste of money. Just a different operating system–windows 7 or XP or something.

Why do you think it sucks? I was running it on a RC version of vista. My only gripes with it involve security features most folks would rarely run across.

WoW really isn’t all that intensive to play. You don’t really need a “gaming” computer. I would say try and find XP on eBay or something. Or just use a disk from someone, doesn’t XP allow it to be installed on 3 computers? I thought you were allowed 3

Like others asked, what is it that you don’t like about Vista? I have Vista on my 6 year old P4 computer and it runs like a charm (granted, it has 2GB of memory and one of the latest AGP graphics cards). I don have some minor issues, like the lack of an Up button or the fact that the fax preview is in landscape by default but I would never think about going back to XP.

Besides XP are outdated and cannot take full advantage of modern computer capabilities.

Every computer needs a separate license. You can move the retail version to a new computer if you remove it from the old one. The automatic activation could be done 3 times without a call to Microsoft when it first came out. Microsoft got rid of that annoyance a long time ago. Now after three separate activations it will still activate by internet without a call to Microsoft. The new way they check for a valid license now gives some people with a valid Key problems, but I won’t get into that.

We have buildings full of Vista. And fewer problems than we had with XP. Admittedly, we aren’t gaming on them. What is the specific problem you are having with Vista?