Just thought this was interesting.
There’s 14 pre-foreclosures in my zip code, 1 auction, and 2 bank-owns. From what I can tell of the street addresses, a number of them are in the trailer park down the road a bit from our house. There’s six on the same road…I wonder if they’re owned by the same person, who tried to get in on the rental property boom a few years back?
Then again, I live in a rather small town.
199 pre-forclosures
97 auctions
204 bank owned
None came up for my area.
This is quite interesting. The zip code in which I live is such a tiny “town” we have a post office. (population = 5821) That is actually completely “it.” Yet, there are 6 pre-foreclsures, 1 auction and 5 bank owned. Searching in the towns closest to me one has 79 preforeclosures, 44 bank owned (population there is 23000) and the other has 91 preforeclosures and 46 bank owned (population 40000). That’s really jacked.
It doesn’t find any for my zip code.
For my brother’s area, though, it shows 133 pre-forclosures, 6 auctions and 361 ‘bank-owned’.
On preview: Litoris, my brother is in Cordova.
Yeah, there’s one short sale and one walkaway down the street. Three other spec houses have been dumped at 69 a foot. Another neighbor dumped at 75 a foot, and yet another is advertising at about 71.
OTOH, Berryhill and Chimney Rock residents are just frantic to get out of those neighborhoods since Memphis annexed them. The first year of annexation, the (unspoiled) county school was taken over by the Memphis school board. The teachers were told they would lose their benefits and pensions, so half left the first year, and the other half left the second.
This is only part of the gross mismanagement that’s typical of the City of Memphis.
Since we are in the unincorporated area, and our schools are still pristine, my money says that people in Berryhill will feel more confident dumping under comps and buying one of these giveaways out here just to get out from under King Willie.
Thus, the price meltdown will induce (a little) demand, and prices should quit falling by late summer.
Of course, when we’ll see a bump is anybody’s guess. We’re pretty lucky that we are as right-side-up as we are. If we HAD to, we could dump way below comps and not have to carry money to closing.
It would be just our little part in the massive upward shift of wealth that was the housing bubble. 20,000 dollars of our equity going to pay for whoever it is that got very, very rich off this thing.
OMG check out the number of units with negative equity! And the dadgum bank is neck deep in properties. Gosh, must suck to be them.
It also looks like people with substantial equity are walking away from homes in Berryhill.
It also looks like several construction outfits have just let the bank have it, and several foreclosures are unbuilt lots.
Welcome to the place where the whole shebang ran out of steam!
Hm. Doesn’t open with Safari.
It loaded in Firefox, but when I searched the Seattle area, my computer flapped its arms and said WARNING! WARNING! DANGER! DANGER! and crashed
I tried Opera and the page opened, but whenever I put a location in it just got rid of the map and prompted me to enter a location.
4 preforeclosures, 93 auctions, 25 bank owned. Lot of negative equity goin’ on…
No problems with it using latest version of Firefox.
It was a bit wobbly for me in Firefox.
You probably put in L.A. or something, no wonder it freaked.
184 pre-foreclosures, 87 auctions, 199 bank-owned in my zip code. I’m loving this trend! Since we’re planning on buying this winter, things are looking mighty nice about now. Sucks for some, but it’s about time I was on the right side of a curve for a change.
Nothing in my area (pop. 220) but I know that the bank owns two houses in town. There were 3 in nearby Webster City.
I looked at the Greenwood neighborhood in Seattle where my son lives and found 24.
In my zipcode, 69 forclosures, 33 pre-foreclosures, 18 auctions, 18 bank owned. A lot of them are new condos with -20% equity.
My city has 247 pre-foreclosures, 110 auctions, and 143 bank owned. There’s someone with **-160% **equity. How do you reach that point without a significant amount of denial?
ETA: I did a quick add of city foreclosures, and stopped when I reached 2500. I’m sure there’s at least 3000.
thank you–I thought I was crazy.
Of maybe that means we fill the map! :eek:
It isn’t working well for me on my Firefox. Admittedly, I don’t have the most up-to-date version, but the right side of the page won’t show up. I get up to the edge of that green feedback button and nothing past it. I’ve tried twice.
From what I can see though, those listings aren’t complete. Of the 14 foreclosures in our zip code, none are for our friend’s daughter and son-in-law’s house that the bank started foreclosing on last May or June. (Sure, they can afford to buy a new huge-screen telly for Christmas and they fulfill their kids’ every (expensive) dream year-round, but making payments on the house? Eh, not so much. I’ll save that for another thread though.)
I don’t think it works for all areas - It says there are only 6 bank-owned homes in Minneapolis, none in my entire county… That isn’t what the newpapers say!
Playing around I see zip code 90210 has 23 preforeclosures, 15 auctions and 4 bank owned.
One has a -162.61% equity, with an estimated value of $1.9 million.