Forman Grill Q: Foil? Quick answer needed

Lining a (knockoff) Forman electric grill with aluminum foil–fast cleanup?

Also, advice on cleanup of said grill?

Quick answers, please?


Done a lot of Foreman style grilling. Never used foil. Clean up is simple–dump tray of drippings in garbage, let grill cool–preferably while you eat, then wipe down with paper towel.

I’ve only used foil when grilling fish.

No, no foil.

No need for foil. It’s easy to clean anyway.

How to clean (the kind where you can’t remove the plate for cleaning).

Step one: allow GF Grill to cool off (its ok if its still warm, but not hot)
Step two: thoroughly soak a paper towel (or 2, if you buy the cheapo kind)
Step three: Lay soaked paper towel over GF Grill and close lid as if grilling the paper towel.
Step four: Go away
Step five: come back in a 1/2 hour
Step six: slide the paper towel off the grill, taking all the gunk, now soaked off, with it.

Moving thread from IMHO to Cafe Society.

I have the kind where the grill plates are removable. Soak them for half an hour in the sink, and the gunk wipes right off. Even easier if you remember to spray them with Pam before cooking.

If you forget and let it gunk up a bit, Just turn on the grill to high for a minute or so. till it warms, but not hot, then swipe with a soaking paper towel.

Well, this thing didn’t come with a lid.

But the wet paper towel, & steaming it clean?


If it doesn’t have a lid, it isn’t a Foreman, or even a close knockoff. The ability to cook both sides of the food at once is one of the distinguishing features of that type grill.