My posts three years ago in this thread are looking positively prescient now.
I’ve heard people saying, “It’s just four years,” but an awful lot of bad can happen in that amount of time, and there are no guarantees that 1) It will be only 4 years, or 2) That the laws about term limits will still apply to God-Emperor Trump and his legion of pussy-grabbing brownshirts. Don’t expect him to play by the rules after the election any more than he did during the election.
And for those who are taking some comfort in living outside the US, sorry for bursting your bubble, but America really does matter, and this will probably affect your lives. How much things will change depends on where, exactly, you live, but it will have worldwide repercussions. For one example, Taiwan-China relations are going to get a lot more complicated because of stuff that has nothing to do with either country directly.
I’ve lived in Japan for most of my adult life, and during that time it has been steadily drifting to the right. Abe was almost visibly salivating when he talked about the election results on the news earlier today. Trump said repeatedly that he’d pull US bases in Japan and make Japan take up 100% funding of defense.
That means Abe will almost certainly get his constitutional reform, and Japan will return to having an active military presence for the first time since WWII. Look for them to join the nuclear club within 5–10 years after that. That will, in turn, lead to a much higher likelihood of military action between some combination of North Korea, Korea, China, Japan, and possibly other Southeast Asian countries, plus maybe the Philippines, in the next decade to a generation at the most. Trump will be long-gone by the time the ripples of this finish expanding.
The US presence in Japan has been a strategic and logistical advantage for the US military as well as a stabilizing influence in the entire region. The relative peace of the last 50 years is probably going buh-bye in an amazingly short time. Losing the bases means that US presence in the Pacific is going to be substantially more complicated, with much longer supply lines and reduced sphere of influence. How that will affect the US proper is uncertain, but I’d put money on it not being good.
I have a strong feeling that even the people who voted for Trump aren’t going to like the effects of him being President. Everyone here in Japan except the right-wingers are worried as hell, and from the negative indications in various world financial markets, they aren’t alone.