Ahhhh… I remember the golden days with the pushpin wallpaper, and the threads were all on one page…
which leads me to these questions:
[li]Why aren’t the forum pages longer? IOW, why can’t e.g. page one of MPSIMS display 100 threads, as opposed to only 60 (WAG)?[/li]Can the number of threads displayed, per page, be changed to any value?
We (meaning the Chicago techs) have set the page of threads to show the most recent fifty. It’s a tradeoff between build/load time and length. They picked this 'cuz it seemed to work best at some time in the past.
I would assume there is some upper and lower limit to the number of threads shown per forum page, but I don’t have any facts to back that up. It just seems reasonable to me (as a coder from way, way, way back) that this wouldn’t be open-ended.
I can’t speak for vBulletin 1.x with 100% authority anymore, since I’m on 2.0.3, but IIRC there is no actual limit. Almost all things in the code that are limited in the control panel are not limited if you want to work around them. It is not too hard to make the Board overflow, and commit atrocities to your database, if you make a mistake…