Four more years!

I always throught that there were a lot of fundamentalist, jingoistic, xenophobic, homophobic, militaristic Americans. The election results confirm that there are so many of them that they now hold power over their nation. Pity. Even more’s the pity that they will continue to run roughshod over other nations.

Oh god no, not a regime with warped religious beliefs as their motivation! Oh, wait…

On the bright side…

4 more years of funny Presidential sound bites. Kerry wouldn’t have said nearly as many stupid things as Bush does. All we’d have for humor would be the first lady being weird. Lets face it, Bush is a punchline waiting to happen. The Daily Show will likely last at least another 4 years.

4 more years of Rumsfeld looking like his head is going to explode in rage. If he got kicked out with Bush, we might have missed when he actually does explodes. I know I want to see that.

4 more years in office will not be good for Cheney’s health either.

4 more years to watch Bush’s policies be revealed as the massive failures that they are. We can really see the shit hit the fan and we get the luxury of passing the blame on the guy who actually threw that shit up there. Bush and his cronies will be discredited, and history will remember him as the asshole he really was.

Record job losses does not make an isolated incident, dumbass.

They’re not catching up to anything when they make 50 cents an hour. When you support the party that promotes its aid and compassion to the privileged, you look stupid making a statement like that. Protectionism has always in some degree been a mainstay of the rube with the you-know-what plastered on his pick’emup truck. Why he supports your party’s agenda to export his mill job in South Carolina to Bumfuck is known only to God.

If their checking balances are light, its your party’s policies that shatter principles. Just as long as Mandate George saves us from the gays, who the fuck needs a job anyway?

Unless the Bushies are the ones who end up writing the history books.

Thats silly. Bush can’t write books. He can hardly read them.

Four more years of whiny, pompous anti-bush threads…

Christ, get over it already.

That’s on the bright side?

Mebbe; mebbe not. But in many third world nations these jobs are, at this time in history, considered a pretty peachy deal to the holders of them. Beats the hell outta subsistence farming. An economy takes years to build. Didn’t happen here in the USA (or Europe, or the Pacific Rim, or anywhere else geographically, or historically) overnight, either. Once the industrial revolution got a good hold, it was just a mere 50 years, or so. Gotta start somewhere, my friend. Prosperity doesn’t pop up like mushrooms overnight. Unless you’re a mushroom farmer.

You, like Kythereia, seem to have a too narrow memory. Great Depression of the 1930’s ring any bells?

What? Union workers? The unions are filled with Democrats. They, too, support a party which claims to favor the disadvantaged - except when they’re own overpaid jobs are on the line - then they scream for he’p from the government to protect their jobs and to hell with the disadvantaged folks from poorer nations.

Bush supported several protectionist pieces of legislation. The steel and timber tarriffs from the first years of his presidency? How 'bout the Farm bill?

I’m drinking a truly disgusting Creamsicle martini.
I am truly disgusted.
What a disgusting day.

Democracies and, dare I say, nations. They take a long time to build too. We’re not supposed to be in that business. Oh, that’s right, 9/11…

Was the depression a product of generous tax incentives to ship jobs to India?

…and Republicans. They take union jobs too. I’ll bet its close to 50/50.

As long as it guts the environment, its OK. I feel so protected.

I’ll take that bet.
got a cite on that one?

But he took a pretty good stab at learning to read “The Pet Goat.” Even put off another major pressing engagement to plug away at reading it.

No, I don’t. This isn’t GD. Its purely anecdotal. Why would anyone smarter than Forrest Gump think that a Republican would not take a union job?

Attention Kmart shoppers: The vast majority of airline pilots, mechanics, doctors, nurses, auto workers, plumbers, welders, drivers, government employees, and pretty much any vocation you can think of are Democrats. So says Rick.

Brilliant. :rolleyes so far back they pop out:

Perhaps for the simple reason that Labor and the Democrats have been long allies. I guess that the Washington Post is dumber than Forrest Gump, according to you.

Or perhaps you would prefer to read about a state election?

Or this story from Robert Novak about Boston.

So Mr. Novak is also dumber than Forrest?

You can’t expect to, on a message board dedicated to fighting ignorance, to get away with talking out of your ass like this. You should know that you will be called on stating falsehoods as fact.

Maybe you should put your eyes back in and read both current events and history

Contrary to popular belief, not all Republicans are idiots, and not all Democrats are Steven Hawking clones. Some people managed to stay awake during US history and government class.
So do I win a bottle of wine like Bricker? :smiley: