FoxNews laying groundwork for post-election blame game

A selection of the top stories on Fox News:

UNIONS UNDER FIRE: Accused of Trying to Force Illegal Immigrants to Vote
Oregon Elections Worker Fired After Allegations of Ballot Tampering
Voter Fraud Monitors on High Alert on Election Day
Group Home Accused of Taking Patients to Vote for Obama
BIAS ALERT: Campaign 2012 Coverage Unequal — and Unfair? <–video
OPINION: Worst Spin Since 2008
OPINION: Media Makes Outrageous Romney Claims Days Before Election

In fairness, the Oregon article is about vote-tampering that favors Republican candidates. But I see that a narrative on why Romney lost (as this is looking increasingly inevitable) blaming the perfidy of those damned liberals is written and ready to go.

Geez, guys, isn’t it possible that sometimes you just lose?

(I have a sneaking suspicion this thread might wind up in the Pit, but I’ll stick it here in the more innocent environs of the Elections forum for now.)

I’ll be interested in seeing if/how this plays out today. Pass the sour grapes.

Did anyone else see the footage of the FoxHeads watching a black poll observer and commenting on how he was clearly part of the New Black Panthers (he did have a military-style beret on, to be fair) and how he was standing “at military rest” and how they’d have to watch to make sure he didn’t intimidate any voters by saying hello and opening doors for them, which is what he was doing.

Black people are scary.

And one more now that the election is over:

BIAS ALERT: How Media Tipped Scales in Obama’s Favor