Freakouts of the Right

BLM is already on the list, but let’s not also forget about BLM. I assume that the one currently on the list is the one about not wanting black people murdered by government agents, but there’s also the one about not wanting people to steal public land to graze their cattle on.

Has anyone mentioned that it’s Biden and the Dems fault that Putin invaded Ukraine?

One that NRA and many Republicans are acting now as if never did take place:

Right wingers and the NRA freaked out about banning lead shot for hunting season in national parks, as with many other examples from the right, the “solution” was not to look at the science of how harmful lead shot was for predators and the environment.

Question: is there any authentic science that does not sent the Right into Freakout Mode? :thinking:

I seem to remember something about them exhorting the boycotting of Target ( the department store ) over some alleged anti-patriotic policy of theirs.

Another right-wing freakout: LeBron James expressing liberal opinions. “Shut up and dribble!” they said.

Never mind the fact that one of Greg Gutfeld’s regular guests and conservative commentators is Tyrus, also known as Brodus Clay, former professional wrestler, and not a very good one.

IIRC, he was literally speaking to arugula farmers.

Sure there is. Any science that doesn’t threaten their self-interest or belief system is OK. Thus climate science and evolutionary biology are at the top of the list of enemy sciences. Some others are runners-up because they keep contradicting the Bible or, like quantum physics and relativity, are “obviously” wrong. Doesn’t mean they have any interest in non-threatening sciences, they just don’t need to go into hysterics over them.

An alternative question and answer can be phrased thusly:

Q: Is there any authentic science that the Right is actually interested in?
A: No.


And then when called out on that, they changed the claim to Steven Hawking only being given great health care because he was a renowned physicist, otherwise he would have been left to die. And even had to back off that since he was diagnosed with MND (and treated capably for it) before he was famous.

And on that note, the thread is now Time-LIFE Presents the Ultimate SRIOTD Collection of Hits! All on fourteen DVDs delivered straight to your home for three easy payments of $29.99 plus S&H!

Who can forget susceptible timeless classics as Obama’s Tan Suit!, BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI!, and this old favorite, BUTTERY MALES!

Act now, and we’ll throw in, at no extra charge, this hilarious compilation of Republican risibilities, including: Susan Collins’s “I hope the President learned his lesson”; GWB’s “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we”; and the always lovable clown Louie Gohmert’s “the attorney general will not cast aspersions on my asparagus"!

Operators are standing by.

Those operators better not have furrin accents when I call to place my order! :angry:

Ooooh, bad luck! Our operators are Petula Clark, and Peter Noone!

Paul Wellstone’s funeral is another one. I remember Al Franken dedicated an entire chapter of a book to how silly the right-wing backlash to it was.

Release the memo!

I don’t think I remember this one. Do I want to?

“But Her E-Mails”

That’s a lot tamer than I feared.

Well, don’t forget, Hillary’s a lesbian. Who has had dozens of abortions.

And, of course, Michelle Obama is a man. At least that means she hasn’t had any abortions.