Fred McGriff Isn't Such a Big Poopyhead After All


Fred McGriff [sub]more money[/sub] has had a change of heart [sub]more money[/sub] and agreed [sub]more money[/sub] to leave Tampa Bay [sub]more money[/sub] and come to Chicago [sub]more money[/sub]. He will be in uniform and playing in time for Sunday’s game against the Cardinals.

Needless to say, I hereby retract every nasty thing I said about him in the Pit thread mentioned above.

Now, depending upon how well Todd Hundley is now that he’s back from rehab, and how well Bill Mueller’s mojo will be once he gets back, I’m thinking Houston should just forfeit the season right about now.

I’ll be going outside to dance in the streets now…

Hey, rasta, crank that music up so that I can join you. Attn Houston Asshole fans: Give it up now!

Attention Everyone Else In The National League:
The Braves will stomp all over you! And then, naturally, they will lose the Series in 4 to the Yankees. :frowning:

Having said that, I am glad that Fred is going to a new team that has a chance. I thought the Bravos might end up with him after all was said and done, but that was not to be. McGriff is a class act, a solid citizen, and an all-around good guy. If the Braves can’t make it, I’ll be rooting for Fred all the way.

However, you guys better pray that Fred doesn’t do any radio commercials. He had a classic one running in the Atlanta Area. The ad was for the Georgia Power and Light Company: “Hi…this is Fred McGriff…not everybody can be a Major League All-Star, but anybody can be an Energy Saving All-Star! Tell them about it, Skip!” (referring, of course to the oh-so-charming Skip Carey, the easily irritated scion of Harry).

Well, as I’ve said before (although possibly not on the boards), McGriff may be the final piece the Cubs need to sew up the division. Now that Sammy has some better protection, I’m losing even more faith that the Cardinals can catch up (still hoping though, I’m a bit delusional like that).

I’ll root for the Cards as long as they’re playing. And although the Cubs and Cards have been rivals forever, it’s a friendly rivalry. If the Cubs make it and the Cards don’t, I’ll be rooting for the Cubs in the post-season.

Let’s just hope it doesn’t end up being the Cubs vs the Red Sox in the World Series. I wouldn’t know who to root for then.

Remember our bet Crunchy :slight_smile:

IIRC, Cubs outrank Cards…you do a MPSIMS thread about their glory.

Cubs make the playoffs…a sig line about how hardygrrl knows baseball better than you.

Cubs win the pennant…A picture of you taken in front of Busch Stadium wearing a Cubs hat.

Cubs win the Series…a classified ad in the Chicago Sun Times about how hardygrrl is always right.

I have been waiting my entire life for a seasion that I could be proud of the cubs, and its finally here…

Go Cubs Go!