I’d been hearing these radio commercials lately that Fred Thompson narrates, which struck me as really ‘off.’ They begin with a tale of battlefield heroism in Iraq, then follow it up by a plug for a company called LifeLock, which supposedly provides free identity theft protection to our troops. After saying that since our troops are protecting us, we need to have their backs, he urges us to patronize LifeLock.
I found it disturbing that a Presidential contender would have so little respect for our troops that he’d use their valor as just another tool to pitch a commercial product, but a little Googling showed that apparently the [L.A. Times found it disturbing for another set of reasons](http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-lifelock9jun09,1,7178167,full.story?coll=la-headlines-business&ctrack=1&cset=true" rel="nofollow):
It gets even better:
But the story goes on to show how that claim lacks credibility. The guy’s just a crook and a liar, is all.
But Fred Thompson’s willing to go to bat for him and his product.
Here’s what Thompson’s spokesman says by way of excuse:
Excuse me, but what sort of flimsy excuse is that? You always have choices, and this is a series of bad choices. Fred’s running for President this year, but only last year, he was signing a contract requiring him to lend his good name to anyone ABC radio told him to lend it to.
Between his lobbying and his acting, Fred Thompson’s a rich man, and a fairly famous one, too. It’s hard to imagine he had to sign that sort of contract just to get his voice heard on the radio. And I sure wouldn’t sign a contract that gave another party unlimited rights to associate my name with whatever crap they came up with, even though I’m far from as well situated as Fred: I care about my integrity, and don’t just sell it off to the highest bidder.
Finally, even having gotten himself into such a contract, Thompson was in a position where, contract or no contract, he could have said, “No, I’m not doing this ad - it’s sleazy and manipulative. And who the hell is LifeLock, anyway?”
So, Fred Thompson, this Pit’s for you.