Free/cheap ways to put text on pictures...

What decent but free/inexpensive programs are available to place text onto images/photos? Thanks.

how about this?

Most image hosting sites have editors that include text. If it’s for print, just go with GIMP.

What you want is XNView. You will LOVE this program and it’s free.

I’ve used it for years and there’s virtually nothing it can’t do and it’s free. It’s not a drawing program like MSPaint, it’s to manipulate, tag or fix images like jpgs, gifs, png and about any other format your photos can be in.

I use Thumbs Plus. It’s a slideshow viewer and includes easy editing.

MS Paint

PicNik is a rudimentary free online image editor for folks who don’t need or want to install more fully-featured software.

It’ll get you there.

I been asking the same question without any good results. I think it’s called “Watermark”. But I shall take a look at these ones also.

Picnik’s great, plus it could by handy to familiarize yourself with it a bit.

I’ve been playing with and it was pretty neat.

Now I’m having some fun with XnView1

Thanks everyone! I’ll try to check the rest!

After I posted this question other places I realized that PICASA does it very well and have used it for years for all of my PICTURES but didn’t know I could put watermarks on them. It works great as you can see. And the best part, it’s FREE.

Second. It’s an excellent program. It also has gamma correction which is great for working with black and white pictures.

ImageMagick is a free command-line tool that lets you put text on an image.

Suppose I want to paste Godzilla’s head on teh kitteh. What would work for a image/grapics dummy?

And on a Mac, Preview.

Picasa will let you add captions.

The other thing I just found out about is it also allows you to add WATERMARKS into the picture for protection.

A savvy user can do a lot with MS Paint. I think it’s often underestimated… and it’s already installed on your computer!

I have need to bump this after nine months L- So I’m working to make a banner for a site. Any thing else besides what’s already been mentioned which may suit me better? Thanks.