In case you aren’t sure which flick I’m talking about, here’s a link to it on imdb:
Robert: “Logan’s Run was the greatest movie I saw of all time when I was your age…”
Kid in store: “It’s probably some dumb sports movie.”
Robert: “Sports movie!? Rollerball is a sports movie!”
Robert: “The problem with you kids is you think that all science fiction began in 1977 with Star Wars.”
[after a threesome]
Robert: “So, do you actually love this woman?”
Sean: “I did… for about 20 minutes.”
[upon being asked who the perfect woman in movies is]
Mark: “Nova, from Planet of the Apes.”
Female friend: “Why Nova?”
Mark: “Cuz, she’s gorgeous, scantily clad… mute.”
Oh yeah, and the weirdest thing I found about this movie is that apparently there’s a sequel due to be released some time in 2004.