French for 'corny'

I was going to post this in General Questions, but it didn’t seem to be quite as important or urgent as the other questions there, so I hope this is a good enough forum.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew a word or phrase, in French, that is roughly similar to “corny” (ex: the fairy tale ending of that movie was corny).

My friend was unable to grasp the meaning of the word, so I am hoping a French translation would help.

le poop chuck

damn, that was supposed to be “le poop chunk


“cul-cul”, or so says Globe-Trotter. But she said it could be purely Quebecois too, so YMMV.

The word “corny” is so corny. Does anyone still say that? (Except Hehaw reruns?)

oh god, I learned the Québécois word for this, and now I forget. If it comes to me I’ll post it ASAP.

Well…its been a couple years since french class, but I’m pretty sure that this is not the right phrase. However, I will try the other two suggestions (YMMV?), thanks for the responses.

Also…in the context of the moment, the word corny was appropriate. I don’t know about HeeHaw reruns, but you’d be surprised how often I am able to use the word in normal conversations.

Your Mileage May Vary :wink:

Oh! I thought it was some sort of French-Canadian slang :slight_smile:

I think the word Coldfire suggested fits pretty well. “cul-cul” (pronounced kuku) meaning stupid or naive.

Yup. I told her it could be translated as “cul-cul” and that seemed to clear things up.

BTW, I guess the formal version of that word is “ecule”.


FWIW (“for what is is worth” ;)), “cul” means ass, or rather, asshole - in the most literal sense. Could it stem from that meaning? Oh, Globe-Trotter, help us out here :wink:

Jerry Lewis?

“CORNY”? Damn, I thought you said HORNY!:smiley:

Well, I’ve always thought the best way to say that in French was ‘voulez-vous couchez avec moi’…

Err…no hablo French…don’t wanna sound dumb…but what’d you say? In English, por favor?:):):slight_smile:

Voulez-vous couchez avec moi:

‘Would you like to sleep with me?’

Well now that all depends…you’re male right?:wink: I’ve had accidental lesbian experiances on-line before!:slight_smile:

Yup, I’m a guy.

And I believe the appropriate french response to this would simply be to suggest: “Menage a trois?” :smiley:

rowr…find me a Christina Ricci look alike and I’m in!!! :wink: