If you go into McDonald’s and get a medium ordr of fries, they come in a little cardboard container in which the bottom folds down to create a … container … where the sides stay open.
What’s the container called?
If you go into McDonald’s and get a medium ordr of fries, they come in a little cardboard container in which the bottom folds down to create a … container … where the sides stay open.
What’s the container called?
I used to sell them. They’re called…french fry holders.
At least, the ones I sold were called that.
So – not a pouch, a carton, a box, an envelope… ?
Nope. For once, a product has a name that makes sense.
The ultra super-dooper size that comes with rope loops for putting over the diner’s ears is called a “fry bag”.
The Wendy’s near where I live used to do this thing where they would open up that cardboard fry holder, but then indent the front so that it reduced the volume inside for fries. It was about the cheapest and most obvious thing I’ve ever seen a fast food place do to save a fraction of a cent.
Mmmm, fry bag. Which fast food place has this?
I know someone who works at McDonalds. Generically, “French fry holders” is OK. Small fries come in “bags”, while larger sizes are “boxes” or “containers”.
McDonalds has no french fry containers with rope loops. At least not in the US where I live.
You’ve been whooshed.
The thing that the cardboard ones are best for is fry launching. Push the bottom of the container out, then put a tiny hard bit of fry in there. Squeeze the sides and the bottom pops back up, catapulting the fry at your brother.*
Strapping on a fry bag would be fun, as long as the fries are fresh from the fryer. Imagine burning your corneas with piping hot fry grease.
*brother not technically necessary, but really fun to pelt with fry bits.
I don’t want to start a new thread for this, but you know those little things you stick in the ends of corn on the cob so you don’t have to touch the corn? Have you ever wondered what an archaeologist would make of those if they dug them up somewhere that wasn’t an obvious food preparation or food consumption area?
Yeah, and what about those tiny ears of corn that are often found in Chinese food. Picture the size of the corn field that they come from…and the time consumed shucking each ear…
Imagine the tiny popcorn, too. Like BB’s.
Here, it’s “bags” and “boxes.” I believe that the cases of french fry boxes maaaay say “carton,” though. I work Tuesday, and will have to report back.
Particularly if found amongst the remains of a BDSM goods store. We understand the purpose of the ball gag, but these little pokey things are in question, unless they take body piercing to the next level…
It’s obvious what they’re for… the little plastic handles are shaped like ears of corn!