Friday Night Lights -- season finale (open spoilers)

I’m happy with the episode.

Sometimes a cliffhanger ticks me off, like ER with their multiple crises and Rescue Me’s fire, but this sort of cliffhanger was okay.

Will Eric stay in Dillon? Will Tami let him stay in Dillon? They have a lot to talk about. I’d like to see how Tami and Eric do a commuter marriage. Eric’s right – their relationship can handle it. Or was it Tami who said that?

I loved Eric’s reaction to Tami’s pregnancy. Loved Eric assuming Buddy was going to give him crap about leaving. Loved Grandma Saracen farting in Landry’s car. Poor Landry.

What a great show. NBC better bring it back.

It felt like less of a cliffhanger with the State win, I think. The “A-plot” finished, and now it’s just pesky questions about what’s going to happen to these characters I have to know bring it back right now!!

Coach and Mrs Coach are, hands-down, my favorite married couple on television ever. Maybe with a bit of rivalry from Zoe and Wash on Firefly, but it’s close. I agree that their relationship is absolutely strong enough to handle a commuter marriage, but that means I won’t get to see things like her standing on his feet tonight, or them arguing and working through issues in that completely healthy and almost painfully still-in-love way!

I warmed to Lyla a lot more in this one. She’s been on the upswing for me ever since she wrecked Buddy’s car lot – I loved her rocking out to getting-over-it music in her own car. Tyra being able to forgive and forget a bit was lovely, too.

Good on Tim Riggins for giving his tickets to Bo and his mother! I was a little shaky on that storyline when it first came up, but I loved the way it fell out.

I liked this episode and liked the show as a whole, even though I don’t watch football.

I hope it returns next year and I have a theory how they’re going to do it. Coach Taylor will take the job in Austin and his wife and daughter will stay in Dillon. That will require the hight school to hire a new football coach, but I don’t think we’ll see very much of him. (If they continue the show as it is, the focus would have to shift to the new character, and I think there are already enough characters on the show.)

So I think they’ll focus the show on the commuter marriage and the lives of the other characters and put much less emphasis on the football games. This might be a way to attract viewers who are turned off by the football content.

Could it be that the coach is moving because Kyle Chandler has some other commitment and won’t be back?

Liberal! Don’t even think it! :slight_smile:

IMDB doesn’t show anything for Chandler except for a movie and that’s listed as completed.

I think the move is happening (or not) partly because, like Tracy Lord said, Eric and Tami have the most interesting marriage on TV. Let’s see how they handle stress and conflict. Another year in Dillon would be just another football season with Coach worrying about winning in order to keep his job.

So I guess the team “stars” aren’t seniors? Smash and Matt and Tim will be back next year?

They’ve become very real to me, and I want the show to last long enough to show us what happens to these kids after high school.

My understanding is a series commitment is a multi-year thing, so that Kyle Chandler would be signed on for five years or so. And this is a really interesting character for him to play. So I very much doubt that he’s got something else going on.

As I remember Matt is a sophomore. Smash might be a junior. But if the show survives, some of the players are going to graduate from high school, so we either follow them to college or they introduce new characters.