So I start off my day at 5 am by discovering that someone else used my desk yesterday afternoon and absconded with my mouse pad. Thanks a lot cow-orker: hope you catch a nasty virus that rots off your fingers.
Then I try logging on to the damned Windows NT network, and lo and behold-- the server is down. Swapping servers doesn’t work, and neither does using another computer (thus verifying that the root of the problem is not some faulty link with my machine, or with my ‘pod’, but higher up the line).
Off I dash to the phone line to call for help-- except that the staff list can only be accessed via the network. Nice planning. Good thing I have a binder with staff phone numbers behind me.
But it’s only got work extensions. Fucking brilliant.
But it’s got one cell phone number-- and I’ve got a regular phone book. It’s loads of fun to wake up IT guys at 5:15 in the morning
Their latest diagnosis-- we might have everything functioning by 5 pm. Wheee!
What possible emergency did you have that you had to wake someone up at 5:15am?
Was there some sort of emergency brain surgery that had to be performed by the network, or did you just think it would be nice to spoil someone elses day?
I’m a TV producer-- and the first person at work in the morning. Without the computers, it’s a little difficult to go on air live… or even taped, for that matter.
I’m suprised that your IT dept does not have a published “emergency pager”. I’m a server admin for a 24/7 operation and I get to carry an on-call pager every other week.
I never get grumpy when it goes off though… night time page = 4 hours pay
I once had a pen stolen from my desk. Really pissed me off. I was tempted to send a company wide e-mail saying, “Would the fucknose that took the pen off my desk kindly return it? It should be easy to identify. It’s the one WITH MY GODDAM NAME EMBOSSED IN GOLD.”